Roy Moore

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Roy Moore 'Didn't Pinch It; He Grabbed It'

New accuser says Moore groped her in his office

(Newser) - Roy Moore is now facing accusations from a sixth woman, who says the Alabama senate candidate groped her while she was in his law office in 1991. reports Tina Johnson was 28 when she went to Moore's office—he was an attorney at the time—to sign...

'Anti-Semitic' Robocall Notes Roy Moore, Washington Post

'WaPo' denies involvement in bizarre scheme

(Newser) - An apparent robocall claiming to seek dirt on embattled Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore might actually be an attack against the newspaper that aired his dirty laundry. WKRG reports a pastor in Alabama received a voicemail Tuesday from a man claiming to be a Washington Post reporter looking for women...

Hannity Issues an Ultimatum to Roy Moore

He says candidate has 24 hours to explain himself

(Newser) - Roy Moore says his fight is just beginning—but with even Sean Hannity withdrawing support, the writing could be on the wall for his Senate bid. The Fox host, who previously defended Moore after the candidate was accused of sexual misconduct, issued an ultimatum Tuesday night, telling Moore he has...

Jeff Sessions: I Never Lied About Russia
Jeff Sessions: Don't
Call Me a Liar
the rundown

Jeff Sessions: Don't Call Me a Liar

But attorney general clarifies that he now remembers meeting at which Russia was raised

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before a House panel Tuesday, with Democrats grilling him on Russia's role in the campaign and Republicans pressing him to go after Hillary Clinton. The Russian angle has been a thorn for Sessions because he previously testified under oath that he knew of no...

Latest to Call for Moore to Exit Race: Paul Ryan

As pastors distance themselves from letter Moore's wife posted

(Newser) - A day after the Senate majority leader called for Republican Roy Moore to exit the Senate race in Alabama, the House speaker is doing the same. "He should step aside," Paul Ryan told CNN Tuesday. "Number one, these allegations are credible. Number two, if he cares about...

Locals Say Moore Was Banned From Mall for Harassing Girls

Despite denial, he appears to have signed latest accuser's yearbook

(Newser) - After a woman came forward to accuse Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was a 16-year-old waitress, he issued another denial, saying he didn't know her or the restaurant she worked in—but her yearbook appears to tell a different story. Beverly Young Nelson showed reporters a...

Another Woman Accuses Roy Moore of Sexual Assault

Beverly Young Nelson says she was just 16 when Moore attacked her

(Newser) - Just hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore to "step aside" in Alabama's special election, another woman accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager. At a press conference Monday with attorney Gloria Allred, Beverly Young Nelson said...

McConnell Calls for Moore to Step Down, Moore Fires Back

Senate majority leader steps up his stance on Moore

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is stepping up his official thoughts on Roy Moore. "I think he should step aside," he said of the GOP Senate candidate during a presser Monday, the Hill reports. Asked more specifically about allegations that Moore, running in a special Dec. 12 election...

Hannity Fans Smash Machines After Keurig Pulls Ads

5 companies have joined ad boycott

(Newser) - Coffee machine maker Keurig has added its name to the list of advertisers boycotting Sean Hannity's Fox show over the Roy Moore controversy, and Hannity fans are not pleased: On Sunday, many of them promised to boycott the company. A few using the #BoycottKeurig hashtag posted videos of themselves...

Breitbart Targets Roy Moore&#39;s Accusers
Roy Moore
Vows to Sue
Washington Post

Roy Moore Vows to Sue Washington Post

Breitbart is targeting his accusers

(Newser) - Senior Republicans are backing away from Roy Moore amid allegations of sexual misconduct—but is still firmly on the Alabama US Senate candidate's side. Steve Bannon has sent at least two reporters to Alabama in an attempt to discredit Moore's accusers, Axios reports. Leigh Corfman says...

Alabama Senate Race Razor Thin
Alabama Senate
Race Razor Thin

Alabama Senate Race Razor Thin

Polls show Roy Moore's lead slipping after allegations

(Newser) - The first polls coming in after sexual misconduct claims against US Senate nominee Roy Moore broke on Thursday aren’t looking good for the GOP hopeful. According to Politico , three flash polls conducted after the Washington Post’s story captured national attention found Moore’s lead shrinking in the Alabama...

SNL's Sessions: Roy Moore a Little 'Too Alabama'

McKinnon's AG character makes a return amid latest controversy in Ala. Senate race

(Newser) - As the sexual misconduct allegations roil the Alabama Senate race, Saturday Night Live waded right in with a sketch portraying candidate Roy Moore meeting with VP Mike Pence (Beck Bennett). Pence's advice: Get out. "Don’t think of it as ending your campaign, think of it as going...

Roy Moore Cheered in 1st Appearance Since Allegations

Alabama Senate candidate calls accusations against him 'fake news'

(Newser) - "This is a prime example of fake news," Roy Moore said to cheers Saturday during his first public appearance since being accused of forcing a 14-year-old girl into a sexual encounter when he was 32, NBC News reports. According to ABC News , the senate hopeful from Alabama...

Roy Moore: I've Never Met Woman Accusing Me

Tells Sean Hannity allegations are 'completely manufactured'

(Newser) - Roy Moore, the Republican former Alabama Supreme Court justice currently running for US Senate, says he's never met the woman accusing him of molesting her when she was 14 and he was 32. "I don't know Ms. [Leigh] Corfman from anybody. I never talked to her. I...

Brother Complains Roy Moore Is Being Persecuted Like Christ

Fellow Republicans in Alabama defend him, though Mitt Romney is firmly in the opposite camp

(Newser) - If the allegations against Roy Moore lead to a Democrat winning Alabama's US Senate race next month, it could "reshape Washington's political landscape," NBC News reports. The Republican majority in the Senate would go down to 51-49, which leaves Democrats a much more likely path to...

Roy Moore Pleads for 'Emergency Contributions'

He blames sex allegations on 'forces of evil'

(Newser) - Senate candidate Roy Moore has been accused of making sexual advances on a 14-year-old girl when he was 32—which is why he wants supporters to give him more money. In a fundraising email Thursday afternoon, the Alabama candidate said the allegations were "filthy and sleazy" lies spread by...

GOP Senators Are Turning on Moore Following Allegations

US Senate candidate from Alabama accused of sexual contact with 14-year-old girl

(Newser) - Roy Moore was accused of initiating a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 in a Washington Post report published Thursday. Three other women say he asked them out on dates while they were between 16 and 18 years old and he was in his 30s. Now...

Woman: Roy Moore Made Sexual Advance When I Was 14

'Washington Post' details allegations against Alabama Senate candidate

(Newser) - The latest high-profile figure accused of sexual misconduct is a politician who has staked his career on morality. The Washington Post is out with a detailed report about Alabama's Roy Moore, the state's former supreme court justice who is now running for the US Senate. A woman who...

Kasich: I'm in a 'Struggle for the Soul' of the GOP

And if Ohio governor can't find it, he hints he may leave the party

(Newser) - John Kasich revealed over the weekend he's been doing some soul-searching, but it's not his own soul he's scrutinizing. The Ohio governor chatted with Jake Tapper Sunday morning on CNN's State of the Union, and he had harsh words for both major political parties. He admitted...

Alabama Primary Result Shakes Up GOP
Bannon: Moore Win
Is Start of 'Revolution'

Bannon: Moore Win Is Start of 'Revolution'

Alabama result shakes up GOP

(Newser) - President Trump has deleted some of his tweets about Alabama's Republican US Senate primary—but it's not an election the GOP will be able to move on from quickly. Former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, a conservative Christian who was supported by anti-establishment forces including Steve...

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