Joan Walsh

8 Stories

A 'Good Guy With a Gun?' No, With a Heart
Woman Who Stopped
Shooter Foils Stereotypes

Woman Who Stopped Shooter Foils Stereotypes

Antoinette Tuff uses empathy, heart in Atlanta incident

(Newser) - The NRA may tell us that guns are our only defense against mass shooters, but on Tuesday Antoinette Tuff proved that's not true. "In this story, the only thing that stopped a bad guy with a gun was a good woman with a heart," writes Joan Walsh...

It's Your Turn to Apologize, Ann Romney
It's Your Turn
to Apologize, Ann Romney
Joan Walsh

It's Your Turn to Apologize, Ann Romney

Or at least it would be if Democrats had the GOP's killer instinct

(Newser) - In Republicans' rush to make the most of Hilary Rosen's statement that Ann Romney " never worked a day in her life ," the aggrieved spouse herself told Fox News, "I know what it's like to struggle." Joan Walsh of Salon was shocked, and she's...

Sarah Palin to Dr. Laura: 'Don't Retreat ... Reload!'

"b thankful 4 her voice, America!'

(Newser) - Not content to sit on the sidelines, um, ever, Sarah Palin swooped in with some words of advice for Dr.Laura, the N-word dropping, former radio host . "Don't retreat ... reload!" she advised, via Twitter . Dr. Laura was forced to step down because her First Amendment rights "ceased...

Left Lacks Wackos Like Limbaugh, Beck
 Left Lacks Wackos 
 Like Limbaugh, Beck 

Left Lacks Wackos Like Limbaugh, Beck

Joan Walsh of Salon defends her answer on 'Morning Joe'

(Newser) - Righty bloggers are teeing off on Joan Walsh of Salon because of her appearance on Morning Joe yesterday, in which she maintained that liberals have no voices as extreme as Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. (NewsBusters weighs in with a list here , with Keith Olbermann's name in capital letters.)...

Blindingly White MSNBC Guilty of Hypocrisy
Blindingly White MSNBC Guilty of Hypocrisy

Blindingly White MSNBC Guilty of Hypocrisy

'Monochromatic' commentators shouldn't slam Palin crowds

(Newser) - MSNBC commentators sneering at the lack of minorities lining up to buy Sarah Palin's book should start their quest for diversity a little closer to home, writes Michelle Malkin . Take a look at Chris Matthews and Norah O'Donnell, who complained about the "monochromatic" Palin crowds, and the MSNBC lineup...

Palin Hints at Ticket With Beck in 2012

'He's so bold,' gushes Sarah

(Newser) - Duck and cover. Sarah Palin made only positive noises when asked about a possible run at the presidency with Glenn Beck as her running mate. "I can envision a couple of different combinations if ever I were to consider running for anything in the future. But Glenn Beck I...

With Race in Play, Obama's White Support Softens

Poll numbers plummeted amid Sotomayor, Gates controversies

(Newser) - President Obama’s downward opinion-poll trajectory among whites seems to be linked to the “blackening” of his image, writes Joan Walsh in Salon. It accelerated during two racially charged moments this summer: Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, marked with debate over her “wise Latina” comment,...

To Work Or Not to Work?
To Work Or
Not to Work?

To Work Or Not to Work?

Provocative book worries about women giving up good careers to be trophy moms

(Newser) - The feminist generation gap gets a sharp appraisal in "The Feminine Mistake," the new book by Leslie Bennetts that questions why so many upscale young women are abandoning careers for children. Joan Walsh finds it a refreshing rebuttal to recent paens to motherhood, especially since Bennetts recognizes that ...

8 Stories
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