Scott Atlas

6 Stories

Trump Adviser on Coronavirus Resigns

Opponent of restrictions had clashed with Fauci, Birx

(Newser) - A special adviser to President Trump on the pandemic, who had been criticized for his views on stopping the spread of the coronavirus, resigned Monday. Dr. Scott Atlas, who is not an infectious disease expert, got the job in August after Trump saw his appearances on Fox News, the Hill...

Michigan Governor Responds to Trump Adviser's Criticism

Whitmer says she will not 'be bullied' after announcing new COVID restrictions

(Newser) - "I'm not going to be bullied." That's the response of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer after one of President Trump's COVID advisers delivered a very public rebuke of new restrictions in her state. "We know that the White House likes to single us out here...

Trump COVID Adviser: 'Rise Up' Against New Mandates

Scott Atlas not happy with Michigan's coronavirus measures

(Newser) - Michigan is among a number of states that have recently imposed new restrictions as COVID-19 cases surged, and President Trump's controversial coronavirus adviser Scott Atlas was not having it. "The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept. #FreedomMatters #StepUp," Atlas...

Trump Adviser: Sorry for Going on Russian State News

Scott Atlas issues an apology on Twitter

(Newser) - Dr. Scott Atlas, one of President Trump's science advisers, is apologizing after appearing on the Russian state-funded TV channel RT to criticize lockdown measures aimed at stemming the coronavirus, the AP reports. In a tweet Sunday, Atlas wrote he was unaware that RT was a registered foreign agent. He...

Twitter Blocks Mask Tweet From Trump Science Adviser

Scott Atlas said they don't work

(Newser) - Twitter blocked a post Sunday from an adviser to President Trump who suggested that masks do not work to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the AP reports. Scott Atlas, who joined the White House in August as a science adviser, had tweeted “Masks work? NO,” and said...

CDC Chief Makes Call on Plane, Reporter Overhears It

'Everything he says is false,' Robert Redfield said of Trump's new COVID-19 adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas

(Newser) - The director of the CDC flew from Atlanta to DC Friday, and a phone call he made while on the plane is now making headlines. Turns out an NBC News reporter was on the same flight as Robert Redfield and overheard him apparently blasting President Trump's newest coronavirus task...

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