One America News Network

4 Stories

DirecTV to Dump Far-Right OAN Channel
OAN Gets the Boot
From DirecTV

OAN Gets the Boot From DirecTV

Satellite TV company says it won't renew One America News' contract when it expires in April

(Newser) - DirecTV customers who watch One America News will soon have to find a new way to view the ultra-right-wing network. The satellite TV company announced Friday that it will be parting ways with OAN, reports CBS News , picking up on the development first reported by Bloomberg . "We informed [OAN...

Report: 90% of OAN Network's Revenue Came From AT&T

Founder testified in 2019 that company execs inspired him to create network

(Newser) - The right-wing, fiercely pro-Donald Trump One America News Network is often seen as a fringe player in American media—but its inspiration, and most of its revenue, came from the country's largest communication company, a Reuters investigation finds. Court records reveal that OAN founder Robert Herring has testified that...

Dominion Staffer Sues Trump Campaign: I Want My Life Back

Eric Coomer says he's had to go into hiding due to conspiracy theories about election 'rigging'

(Newser) - A high-ranking employee for a company that provided election equipment and software in 28 states has been subjected to harassment and death threats so alarming that he was forced to go into hiding a week after the election. Now, Eric Coomer says he wants his life back, and he's...

Fox Airs Election Talk After Legal Threat

Smartmatic sent scathing notice to 3 conservative news outlets

(Newser) - What a difference legal action can make. Fox News hosts who have allowed election-fraud conspiracies to air on their programs just aired a segment debunking some of those very claims, CNN reports. Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Maria Bartiromo played the segment this weekend after Smartmatic, a voting technology company,...

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