Pandora Papers

2 Stories

Pandora Papers Look 'Really Bad' for Jordan's King
Pandora Papers
Look 'Really Bad'
for Jordan's King

Pandora Papers Look 'Really Bad' for Jordan's King

King Abdullah reportedly used front companies to buy $106M in real estate while citizens struggled

(Newser) - We're learning more about the tax avoidance schemes of the uber-rich courtesy of the Pandora Papers , published Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which are putting Jordan's King Abdullah II in a particularly bad light. The longest-serving monarch in the Arab world, who's ruled Jordan...

Pandora Papers: Data Leak Exposes Rich, Powerful

Hundreds of journalists combed through data showing offshore companies, swanky assets

(Newser) - Exactly how do the rich and powerful get out of paying taxes? The answer, in part, is in the Pandora Papers, 11.9 million files exposing offshore financial dealings of the very rich, with the secrets of 35 world leaders and 300 other public officials, the Guardian reports. The massive...

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