International Agency for Research on Cancer

3 Stories

Report: WHO to Deem Sweetener as Possible Carcinogen

Meanwhile, the FDA, nearly 100 nations have greenlit aspartame

(Newser) - Last month, the World Health Organization released new guidelines that cautioned people against using artificial sweeteners for weight control, citing findings that suggest long-term use ups the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other issues. Now the agency is signaling it may soon issue a new warning on one of...

WHO No Longer Thinks Coffee Will Give You Cancer

Unless it's served above 149 degrees

(Newser) - Celebrate the latest news from the WHO with a cup of joe: The organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer is set to reverse its rating of coffee as "possibly carcinogenic" Wednesday, noting there is "inadequate evidence" linking the beverage to cancers of the bladder, pancreas, and...

Night Shift Linked to Cancer
Night Shift Linked to Cancer

Night Shift Linked to Cancer

Idea once dismissed as 'wacky' gaining acceptance

(Newser) - Working the night shift might increase your risk of getting cancer, an international health agency says. That theory has been percolating for decades, but it will gain credence next month when the WHO declares night work a probable carcinogen, the AP reports. The designation, likely to be followed by the...

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