John Carlos

3 Stories

'Citizen of the Year' or 'Coward of the Year'?
'Citizen of the Year'
or 'Coward of the Year'?
the rundown

'Citizen of the Year' or 'Coward of the Year'?

'GQ' honors Colin Kaepernick, but critics think the choice is off base

(Newser) - GQ has made its selection for "Citizen of the Year," and it's one destined to create instant controversy: Colin Kaepernick . In their explanation, the editors liken the sidelined quarterback to Muhammad Ali and Jackie Robinson, "athletes who risked everything to make a difference." They...

Sports World Full of Obama Fans
 Sports World 
 Full of Obama Fans 

Sports World Full of Obama Fans

Usually politically quiet, sports stars come out in favor of new prez

(Newser) - Barack Obama's powers of inspiration and unification reach beyond the political world: "All around the country, athletes responded to the new president," Gwen Knapp writes for the San Francisco Chronicle. The inauguration sparked tears from big men who take physical punishment for a living, and Obama's rise has...

'68 Olympics Salute Shouldn't Be Glorified
 '68 Olympics Salute
 Shouldn't Be

'68 Olympics Salute Shouldn't Be Glorified

(Newser) - Last week ESPN honored athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, famous for their  ‘black power’ salute at the ’68 Olympic games, with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the network’s ESPYs award ceremony. LA Times commentator Jonah Goldberg outlines what he considers the highly dubious implications of...

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