Juan Gonzalez

2 Stories

A-Rod Buddy Is MLB Pariah
 A-Rod Buddy 
 Is MLB Pariah 

A-Rod Buddy Is MLB Pariah

(Newser) - A man who was once a close associate of Alex Rodriguez is suspected of trafficking in steroids and has been banned from non-public areas of big-league ballparks since 2001, the New York Daily News reports. Angel Presinal, called "an unsavory character" by one source, has been close to...

Texas Owner: Juan-Gone "Probably" Doped

Gonzalez is Rangers' boss biggest regret

(Newser) - Texas owner Tom Hicks says he suspected slugger Juan Gonzalez had used steroids, judging from his body's early and expeditious breakdown. Hicks bemoaned his $24 million, two-year investment, which resulted in 152 games and 32 home runs during 2002-03. "We just gave that money away," he said.

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