
3 Stories

Episcopal Church Ready to Bless Gay Couples

Ritual would be first offered to same-sex couples by a major denomination

(Newser) - The Episcopal Church is soon expected to become the first major denomination to offer a ritual designed to bless gay couples. If approved, the rite will sure sound a lot like the marriage liturgy, as it features famed phrases like "we are gathered here today" and "I do"...

Vatican Issues Warning on Angels, Demons Sect

Members believe women who have abortions are possessed by the devil

(Newser) - The Vatican has issued a warning to bishops to watch out for an ultra right-wing Catholic sect that prays to angels to combat demons, and believes women who have had abortions are possessed by the devil. Dozens of priests and nuns are part of the group, Opus Angelorum, and some...

US Bishops Rewrite Catholic Mass

Language loftier, less prosaic

(Newser) - For the first time in almost five decades, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has changed the wording of the Catholic Mass for both priests and congregations. The Mass liturgy, often criticiized as being too conversational to be reverent, is being rewritten to sound loftier, reports National Public Radio. 

3 Stories