white collar

6 Stories

Why Don't We Talk About Carpal Tunnel Anymore?

The Atlantic takes a look at a white collar epidemic that fizzled out

(Newser) - If you are reading this from a standing desk while wearing blue light glasses, chances are you've heard of the dangers associated with spending long stretches of time on devices. Whether or not you heed those warnings, there was a time when you couldn't escape think pieces examining...

7K White-Collar Workers Losing Jobs at Ford

Company says it's trying to become more efficient

(Newser) - Ford is cutting about 7,000 white-collar jobs, which would make up 10% of its global workforce. The company said the plan will save about $600 million per year by eliminating bureaucracy and increasing the number of workers reporting to each manager, per the AP . In the US, about 2,...

Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is Single Woman: Survey

 The Unhappiest 
 White Collar 
 Worker Is... 
survey says

The Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is...

... a 42-year-old single woman earning less than $100K: survey

(Newser) - Who's the unhappiest white collar worker in the land? Apparently it's a woman, 42, unmarried, earning less than $100,000, and in a professional position like doctor or lawyer—or so says a new survey, Jezebel reports. The happiest? Male, 39, married, earning $150,000-$200,000, in senior...

Hordes of Chinese Grads Battle for Scant Jobs

Long hours, tight quarters for members of 'ant tribe'

(Newser) - The number of Chinese college graduates has soared in the past decade—but there aren’t enough white-collar jobs to sustain the highly-educated young population, reports the New York Times . Traveling en masse to big cities, working six-day weeks, and living packed into cramped quarters, young graduates have earned themselves...

Recession Crushes White-Collar Michigan

Layoffs, property price plunge leaves middle-aged workers in limbo

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of middle-aged white-collar workers have been left jobless and stranded in Michigan by the recession, the Wall Street Journal reports. Auto industry veterans laid off by the Big Three are finding themselves competing against against younger people for a smattering of job openings. With property prices down...

Work With Your Hands: It Makes You Honest

(Newser) - Greasy, sweaty manual labor instills a moral code that middle managers will never understand, Matthew B. Crawford writes in the New York Times. A doctoral graduate in poli-sci, Crawford parroted opinions at a Washington think tank before turning to motor bike repairs. Now he feels a deep satisfaction as customers...

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