US attorney firings

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AG: SDNY's Berman Is 'Stepping Down.' Berman: Nope

'I have not resigned, and have no intention of resigning': US attorney probing Trump associates

(Newser) - On Friday evening, Attorney General Bill Barr announced that US Attorney Geoffrey Berman, the powerful federal prosecutor from the Southern District of New York who's investigated multiple Trump associates, was "stepping down," with President Trump intending to nominate SEC Chair Jay Clayton to Berman's role, even...

Bharara Says He Was Canned After Refusing Trump Call

He says president kept calling to 'shoot the breeze'

(Newser) - Preet Bharara says two phone calls from President Trump made him uncomfortable—and he was fired less than 24 hours after refusing to return a third one. On ABC's This Week on Sunday, the former US attorney for Manhattan said President Obama never called him directly and he found...

Rove: The Dems Can't Prove a Thing
Rove: The
Dems Can't Prove a Thing

Rove: The Dems Can't Prove a Thing

Says no evidence he did anything wrong in US attorney firings

(Newser) - Karl Rove has been cruelly persecuted. For years now the House Judiciary Committee and the New York Times editorial board have been trying to pin him as the mastermind behind the US attorney firings. Recently the committee called him in for a two-day, 12-hour interview, and what did it discover?...

Rove Pushed for Firing of US Attorney in NM

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee released documents today that Democrats say put Karl Rove and former Bush counsel Harriet Miers at the center of the US attorney firing scandal, Politico reports. “Karl Rove and his cohorts at the Bush White House were the driving force behind several of these firings,...

Gonzales: I Haven't Spoken to Bush

(Newser) - Two years after leaving the Justice Department in disgrace, Alberto Gonzales is still trying to get back on his feet. In an interview with New York Times Magazine's grand inquisitor Deborah Solomon, the former AG says he's living in an apartment in Lubbock, Texas, where he'll begin a teaching gig...

Obama Nominates US Attorney Fired Under Bush

Nevada prosecutor to get old job back

(Newser) - A US attorney fired by the Bush administration is set to get his old job back, the Washington Post reports. Daniel Bolger, whose 2006 firing is among those being probed for partisan motivation, has been nominated by President Obama to again be the federal prosecutor for Nevada. Former Attorney General...

Emails Show Rove Knee-Deep in Attorney Firings

(Newser) - Karl Rove was intimately involved in the firing of at least three of the US Attorneys sacked for purportedly political reasons during the Bush administration, emails obtained by the Washington Post show. One note mentions a senator who “asked that we remove the US Atty” and “couldn’t...

Rove Tight-Lipped After Grilling Over Attorney Firings

Bush aide cooperated with prosecutor: lawyer

(Newser) - Karl Rove stayed mum as he left an interview with a special prosecutor today about the firing of US attorneys during the Bush administration, the AP reports. Nora Dannehy questioned the former White House aide at his lawyer’s office; she left after about 4 hours. Rove’s attorney said...

Rove Will Be Questioned Over Attorney Firings

(Newser) - Karl Rove is on the hot seat tomorrow. The former Bush adviser will be interviewed by federal prosecutors as part of a criminal investigation into the firings of US attorneys in 2006, the Washington Post reports. Rove will meet with Connecticut prosecutor Nora R. Dannehy, who has been charged with...

Dems 'Would Love to Have Me Barbecued': Rove

Former Bush aide will testify on attorney firings, governor's prosecution

(Newser) - Karl Rove is looking forward to testifying before the House Judiciary Committee concerning his alleged role in the sacking of several federal prosecutors, Fox News reports. But beware the “show trial,” Rove said, as “some Democrats would love to have me barbecued.” Rove will also be...

Rove, Miers to Testify on Attorney Firings

(Newser) - Karl Rove and Harriet Miers have agreed to testify before Congress about the controversial firing of US attorneys, CBS reports. The former Bush aides' testimony will not be public, though that could happen in the future, notes the Public Record. Congress is investigating whether the Bush administration fired the attorneys...

Americans Want Torture Investigation: Poll

(Newser) - Two-thirds of Americans want an investigation into alleged Bush administration misdeeds, including torture and warrantless wiretapping, a USA Today/Gallup poll shows. Forty percent of respondents would like to see criminal probes; one-quarter would prefer investigations without the possibility of criminal charges. And even more—70% of those surveyed—said the...

Rove Will Cooperate in US Attorney Firings Inquiry

Had refused to take part in earlier investigation

(Newser) - In a reversal, Karl Rove will cooperate with a federal investigation into the firings of nine US attorneys, Talking Points Memo reports. Rove had refused to cooperate in an earlier inquiry on the firings, which Justice Department officials said severely “hindered” the inquiry. A lawyer for Rove says the...

Rove Slapped With Another Subpoena
Rove Slapped With Another Subpoena

Rove Slapped With Another Subpoena

Conyers demands ex-Bush adviser talk about attorney firings

(Newser) - House Judiciary Committee chair John Conyers subpoenaed Karl Rove today to testify about alleged politicization of the Justice Department, USA Today reports. Subpoenaed for the first time last Congress, Rove claimed executive privilege and refused to show. Conyers said that unlike former President Bush, President Obama does not support immunity...

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For
10 Democrats
Obama Must
Watch Out For

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For

Conyers, Feinstein, Biden could be pains in president's rear

(Newser) - The good vibrations can’t last forever. Sooner or later,  President Obama is bound to run afoul of members of his own party. Glenn Thrush, in Politico, scopes out the suspects:
  • John Conyers: The irrepressible House Judiciary chairman wants to investigate the US attorneys scandal and other potential Bush-era

Mukasey Taps Prosecutor for Attorney Firings Case

Conn. official Dannehy could force likes of Rove to testify

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey appointed a special prosecutor today to look into the attorney firing scandal today, Reuters reports, after an internal investigation came up empty-handed. Many top witnesses, such as Karl Rove, didn’t cooperate, but could now be subpoenaed by Connecticut prosecutor Nora Dannehy.

Bush Aides Must Testify: Judge
 Bush Aides Must Testify: Judge

Bush Aides Must Testify: Judge

Judge rejects administration's interpretation of executive privilege

(Newser) - Turning aside White House arguments that top aides are protected from subpoenas by executive privilege, a judge ruled today that Harriet Miers must testify before a congressional committee on the firings of nine federal prosecutors, the Washington Post reports. Miers and fellow aide Joshua Bolten can, however, invoke executive privilege...

US Attorney: I Was Fired Over Gay Rumors

Official speaks out after damning report on key Gonzales aides

(Newser) - One of the US attorneys fired in the 2006 sweep by Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department says she believes rumors of a lesbian relationship with a top prosecutor cost her the job and derailed the prosecutor’s career. “I am persuaded with deep regret that this is what was the...

Cautious Mukasey Disappoints Former Backers

It's 'business as usual' in AG's office

(Newser) - Attorney General Michael Mukasey's cautious approach has disappointed one-time backers who hoped for a new direction at the Justice Department, reports the New York Times. He has been reluctant to probe the US attorney firings that triggered predecessor Alberto Gonzales' downfall, and has moved at a snail's pace on issues...

Lawmakers Make Much of Karl Rove's Empty Seat

Rove defies subpoena, gets snarky 'chair treatment'

(Newser) - Karl Rove ignored a subpoena ordering him to appear before a House committee probing alleged abuses of power in the Justice Department yesterday—and the committee didn't let that get in their way. Lawmakers printed a name card for Rove, pointed a mike at an empty chair, fetched a cool...

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