Jackson Hewitt

2 Stories

Ads Tap Into That 'Mad-as-Hell' Feeling

Companies use consumer rage to sell

(Newser) - Advertisers are feeling our pain. So they're tapping into consumer rage over rising prices by saying "we understand," and using that to sell products and services. Take a Southwest ad that asks what the competitors have been smoking. "Apparently, your rolled-up $20s," it quips. A legion...

Feds Sue Tax Preparers for Fraud
Feds Sue Tax
Preparers for Fraud

Feds Sue Tax Preparers for Fraud

(Newser) - Tax preparers Jackson Hewitt have bilked the government out of more than $70 million, alleges a suit filed yesterday by the Justice Department. The suit claims that over 125 of the company's franchises, all owned at least in part by the same Atlanta businessman, engaged in massive tax fraud.

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