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Dunkin' Donuts Brews Up Showdown With Starbucks

Dunkin' fires new salvo in coffee wars with blind taste tests

(Newser) - Dunkin' Donuts is aiming to punch holes in Starbucks' share of the coffee market with an aggressive new ad campaign, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The ads portray Dunkin' Donuts coffee as being the choice of "hard-working Americans" and boast of having beaten Starbucks' house blend in blind taste tests....

Airline Stamps Ads on Those Sans Hairline

New Zealand Air placing ads on bald billboards

(Newser) - Air New Zealand is launching a new ad campaign on people's heads, reports the Brisbane Times. The airline will pay people $660 to wear temporary tattoos on the back of their shaved heads for two weeks. The ads display changes to the airline's check-in system and direct passengers to the...

Microsoft's Answer to Apple Ads: Seinfeld

Comedian to front $300M campaign to counter stodgy image

(Newser) - So what's the deal with Microsoft ads? The company has enlisted Jerry Seinfeld to spearhead a new $300-million campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports, to try to shake the negative buzz about Vista, and the nerdy, feckless image projected by John Hodgeman in Apple's popular "Mac vs PC" ads....

L'Oreal Denies Lightening Beyonce's Skin in Ad

(Newser) - L’Oreal says it didn't lighten Beyonce’s skin tone for an ad for its Feria hair color brand, the AP reports. Media outlets have been abuzz since TMZ juxtaposed the ad—running in ElleAllure, and Essence magazines—with a photo of the star in which she seems...

Secret of Chris Brown Hit: It's Really a Gum Commercial

'Forever' is pop-song take on Doublemint jingle

(Newser) - Singer Chris Brown’s hit “Forever” has a trick up its sleeve: It’s actually part of a marketing campaign for Wrigley’s Doublemint gum. The top-10 song contains the lyric "Double your pleasure/double your fun" for good reason, which Wrigley will reveal tomorow. The company paid Brown...

In Tough Times, McDonald's Revives a Jingle

'Two all-beef patties' Big Mac slogan seeks new tune on MySpace

(Newser) - In 1974, with an unpopular war raging and inflation on the rise, McDonald's launched a jingle—"Two all beef patties, special sauce..."—to promote its signature product, the Big Mac. Decades later, in similar circumstances, the fast food giant is reintroducing the mantra-like list of ingredients via...

Spam Thrives in Tough Times
Spam Thrives
in Tough Times

Spam Thrives in Tough Times

Sales of the spongy stuff are on the rise—even though it's not cheaper than meat

(Newser) - Americans have gobbled up Spam for 71 years, despite Monty Python parodies and countless jokes about the spongy stuff. But Spam's sales have spiked 10% over the past 12 weeks, as the economy has gone sour and soaring gas prices have been gobbling up household income. In fact, it's no...

'Hermione' Conjures $6M Chanel Deal

Emma Watson replaces Keira Knightley in perfume campaign

(Newser) - Harry Potter star Emma Watson has inked a $6 million deal to replace actress Keira Knightley as the new face of Chanel's perfume Coco Mademoiselle, the Daily Mail reports. The 18-year-old actress, who already makes $4 million a movie to play the precocious Hermione, "has been excitedly telling friends...

Consumers Rattled by 'Green Overload'

Too much information overwhelming even the best intentions

(Newser) - Inundated with reports on how best to save the environment, many consumers are left confused and suffering from an information overload the New York Times dubs “green noise.” Many eco-facts are contradictory and options are puzzling (is it better, for example, to get a used car, or a...

Air Force Pulls Misleading Ad
 Air Force Pulls Misleading Ad 

Air Force Pulls Misleading Ad

Service will rework spot for 'Above All' campaign, release with new story line

(Newser) - An Air Force commercial that shows a US communications satellite exploding and implies a single missile could knock out cell phones, GPS navigation, banking transactions, and TV broadcasts has been pulled for being misleading, the Military Times reports. The ad, part of the Air Force’s “Above All” campaign...

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears
 Obama Gears Up
 for GOP Smears 

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears

Camp McCain is seeking ways to attack without seeming racist

(Newser) - John McCain is prepping for a smear campaign this summer while camp Obama, ever cool and controlled, awaits the first strike. "It's going to be Swift Boat times five on both sides," said one McCain adviser who expects Obama to return fire. McCain's challenge is to hit above...

Oil Lobby Pumps Cash Into Image Campaign

Industry fights back as rising gas prices damage its rep

(Newser) - As gas prices skyrocket—and oil company profits soar along with them—the chief US oil lobby has launched a massive campaign to improve its public image, the Washington Post reports. The American Petroleum Institute is spending millions on newspaper ads, a traveling museum, and tours for bloggers, to counter...

Chanel Eyes Cobain 'Teen Spirit'

15-year-old daughter of Love and Cobain may be Lagerfeld's new face

(Newser) - Karl Lagerfeld wants grunge god Kurt Cobain's 15-year-old living legacy as the face of his next Chanel ad campaign, the Daily Mail reports. Rocker mom Courtney Love keeps a tight leash on Frances Bean Cobain, who posed for a number of mags earlier this year, so no deal has been...

Dems Assail McCain on War
Dems Assail McCain on War

Dems Assail McCain on War

Obama would defy Petraeus to withdraw; DNC ads knock Mac's '100 years' in Iraq

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain clashed over Iraq today, as the DNC readies an ad campaign criticizing McCain's now-infamous remark about keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years. In a Fox News interview, Obama pledged to withdraw troops from Iraq even if Gen. David Petraeus advised against it. But the...

Mock Rocker Woos Teens to the White Stuff

'White Gold' video hot on YouTube, but will it rock milk sales?

(Newser) - He drinks milk out of his hollow, transparent guitar and hits power chords while singing the virtues of the white stuff. The frontman for "White Gold" doesn’t have a milk mustache, but the dairy industry hopes the ad campaign centered around the fake rock god will boost declining...

DC Ditches Glory for Power
 DC Ditches Glory for Power 

DC Ditches Glory for Power

Capital ditches 'American Experience' for new tourism slogan

(Newser) - "The American Experience" hasn't been the come-on Washington officials hoped, Portfolio reports, and DC's tourist board hopes to change that with a new campaign: “Create Your Own Power Trip." With a stumbling economy projected to eat into the US capital's 15 million in annual tourism, the city...

Gore Launches $300M Climate Campaign

Celebrity 'odd couples' come together to raise global warming awareness

(Newser) - Al Gore is putting his money where his Inconvenient Truth is and pairing celebrity odd couples to push his global warming message in a $300-million ad campaign that launches Wednesday, reports CBS. "Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich, two people who don't agree on very much at all," Gore...

'Get Some' Condoms Free in NY
'Get Some' Condoms Free in NY

'Get Some' Condoms Free in NY

City hopes hipper packaging, dispensers encourage residents to 'get some'

(Newser) - Last Valentine’s Day, New York City unveiled the “NYC Condom,” a free prophylactic designed to make safe sex cool. Today, the program gets a facelift with new packing for the condom—and an ad campaign that urges New Yorkers to "get some." “Good design...

Obama Pulled In $32M in January
Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Meanwhile, McCain makes headway after beginning '08 in debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $32 million this month, the Washington Post reports—a massive number in such a short span. The Democrat's campaign manager reported 170,000 new donors in January, raising the total number of contributors to 650,000. The best fundraising day was immediately following Hillary Clinton’s...

Liberals Set to Bash Bush to Finish Line

$8.5M campaign aiming to keep president's approval ratings in the toilet

(Newser) - A liberal advocacy group plans to spend $8.5 million to keep President Bush's approval rating low, the AP reports. Americans United for Change will focus on what it perceives as Bush's failures in Iraq and at home, a move the group hopes will benefit Democrats in the upcoming election...

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