Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

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Melinda French Gates Leaving Bill in a Second Way

She is resigning from their foundation to start her own philanthropic venture

(Newser) - Melinda French Gates is taking advantage of an exit ramp in her divorce settlement with Bill Gates: She announced Monday that she is resigning from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with enough money to start a philanthropic venture of her own, reports CNBC . French Gates said she will leave...

Foundation Donates $200M for Reproductive Health Care

Melinda Gates announces pledge on UN sidelines, honoring the Carters and Bono

(Newser) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $200 million to help save the lives of mothers and children during childbirth, as the largest American philanthropic donor throws its weight behind the issue during the nonprofit's annual Goalkeepers conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Melinda French...

Gates Foundation Commits $1.2B to Ending Polio

Virus still spreads in Afghanistan and Pakistan

(Newser) - Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only remaining countries where the polio virus is in circulation. "The last steps to eradication are by far the toughest," said Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he said is committed to a global "polio-free future."...

Gates Plans $20B Infusion for Foundation

'The great crises of our time' require everyone to do more, co-founder says

(Newser) - Bill Gates sees a multitude of problems in the world that need to be addressed, so he's setting out a plan for his foundation to tackle many of them—and kicking in $20 billion this month to fund the effort. The co-founder of Microsoft issued a statement Wednesday saying...

Melinda French Gates Talks for First Time of 'Painful' Divorce

In first TV interview, Bill Gates' ex says she got to a point where 'I couldn't trust what we had'

(Newser) - Since her split from ex Bill Gates, Melinda French Gates hasn't made herself available for a televised interview on the breakup—until now. CBS News has a clip from her sit-down with Gayle King, who got French Gates to open up about the "painful stuff" surrounding her divorce...

It's the Next Pandemic That Worries Bill Gates

Equality has taken a hit in every way, foundation report shows

(Newser) - Bill Gates would have thought more would have been done by now to make sure the next pandemic doesn't catch us by surprise. "The attention to pandemic preparedness is lower than I would have expected," Gates told the Wall Street Journal . The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation...

Gates Says Meeting Epstein Was 'Huge Mistake'

They spent time together years after financier was convicted of sex crimes

(Newser) - Bill Gates has acknowledged that hanging out with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was a bad move. The former Microsoft CEO told CNN 's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday that it "was a huge mistake to spend time with him, to give him the credibility of being there."...

Divorce Done, Melinda Gates Decides on Her Name

She's retaining her last name after divorcing Bill Gates

(Newser) - Melinda Gates has been going by Melinda French Gates since announcing her separation from Bill Gates. Their divorce was finalized Monday, and according to marriage dissolution documents cited by People , French Gates won't be ditching her last name. She also won't be receiving spousal support from Gates, whom...

Bill, Melinda to Do 2 Years at Foundation, Then Decide

If it's not working, Bill will essentially buy his ex-wife out

(Newser) - Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates are divorcing , but they'll remain together at the helm of their foundation for at least two years—at which point there is an out. Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman on Wednesday put it like so: "They have agreed that if after two...

Warren Buffett Resigns From Gates Foundation

The other two trustees are getting divorced

(Newser) - Warren Buffett resigned Wednesday as trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which says it will announce plans in July to answer questions raised about its leadership structure as it deals with the divorce of its two founders . The announcement comes weeks after Bill and Melinda Gates revealed that...

Melinda, Bill Gates Divorce: She Won't Seek Spousal Support

Gates' divorce is big news in the charitable sector

(Newser) - When Bill and Melinda Gates' divorce is finalized, she won't be getting any spousal support. People obtained a copy of Melinda Gates' divorce petition, which specifies that "spousal support is not needed" and she won't be seeking it. It also reveals that while the couple does not...

Gates to Biden: Let's Not 'Blow' the Vaccine Rollout

Lack of communication between administrations could impede the process, he says

(Newser) - Developing, testing, and distributing a coronavirus vaccine is tough enough. But Bill Gates pointed out something else Sunday that's compounding the difficulties. "The transition is complicating," Gates said on CNN . The Microsoft co-founder is encouraged, however, because "the new administration is willing to rely on actual...

Bill Gates Offers His Own Time Range for Vaccine

Anywhere from 9 months to 2 years from now, he writes

(Newser) - The world anxiously awaits a coronavirus vaccine, and according to Bill Gates, there are a bunch on the horizon that look especially favorable. The Microsoft co-founder says there are more than 100 vaccines in development right now, and of those, "eight to 10 ... look particularly promising," per his...

Bill Gates: This $10B Investment Is My Best Ever

Money went into global health groups, though the payoff doesn't come in the usual way

(Newser) - Bill Gates has been investing in health initiatives for 20 years now, and he writes in the Wall Street Journal that one particular type of investment in this field rarely fails to pay off. It involves what those in the global health field call "financing and delivery"—organizations...

Yes, That's a Jar of Poop Next to Bill Gates

Philanthropist is making plea for sanitation technology at 'Reinvented Toilet' Expo in China

(Newser) - Placing a jar of feces on a pedestal next to him, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates made a plea Tuesday for the safe disposal of human waste as he kicked off a "Reinvented Toilet" Expo in China. "You might guess what's in this beaker—and you'd be...

Meet Earth's Top Power Couples
Meet Earth's Top
Power Couples

Meet Earth's Top Power Couples

Why, yes, it is heavy on pretty and geeky people with money

(Newser) - You might think you and your partner make a super couple, but chances are you didn't make Time's list of the world's most elite power couples. Hailing from the fields of entertainment, politics, and predictably, technology, Time runs down the couples it deems most powerful who are...

Warren Buffett Just Gave Away $3.2B
Warren Buffett Just
Gave Away $3.2B

Warren Buffett Just Gave Away $3.2B

Largest chunk to go to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

(Newser) - Warren Buffett remains the fourth-richest person in the world, but his pockets are now significantly lighter. As part of his annual giving spree, the billionaire announced Monday he would donate $3.17 billion in Berkshire Hathaway stock to five charities. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will receive the largest...

Bill, Melinda Gates Bet Big on the Poor, Zapping Polio

Gates Foundation makes ambitious predictions for next 15 years

(Newser) - A bold prediction, courtesy of the Gates Foundation: The lives of people in poor countries "will improve faster in the next 15 years than at any time in history." That statement comes via the foundation's annual letter, published today , which makes some other "big bets."...

Coming Soon: $1 Birth Control Shot

Sayana Press is aimed at poor women in 69 countries

(Newser) - Sayana Press is a pre-packaged shot, costs a buck, lasts three months, and could revolutionize the way women in poor countries approach birth control, reports the BBC . A three-way deal between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer, and the Children's Investment Fund Foundation is looking to make Sayana...

Bill Gates' Hunger Fight Is Deeply Flawed: Report

Hardly any money goes directly to African groups

(Newser) - Though the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent $3 billion to fight hunger in poor countries, most of that money has gone to groups based in wealthy countries, a new report finds. Just 10% of the money has gone to African organizations, while more than 80% has headed to...

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