Isabelle Adjani

3 Stories

7 Stars With Awful Breakup Etiquette

Ways not to dump someone: text message, Oprah, FedEx...

(Newser) - It sounds like something out of a bad sitcom, but apparently Russell Brand really did break up with Katy Perry via text message, Perry recently revealed. "Let's just say I haven't heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011,"...

Gerard Depardieu to Play Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Director Abel Ferrara plans to probe 'rich, powerful' in film

(Newser) - French actor Gerard Depardieu has been tapped to play Dominique Strauss-Kahn in an upcoming film about the sex scandal that cost the former head of the IMF his job and a shot at the French presidency. Isabelle Adjani will play his wife, Anne Sinclair, US film director Abel Ferrara revealed...

Iran: Carla Bruni Is a Prostitute

Attack follows petition calling for release of woman

(Newser) - An Iranian newspaper controlled by the government has called French First Lady Carla Bruni and actress Isabelle Adjani "prostitutes" in an editorial slamming them for signing a petition calling for the release of a woman who has been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. Iranian state TV also...

3 Stories