Supreme Court justice

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McConnell: GOP Would Block Biden SCOTUS Picks

He says GOP-controlled Senate would block picks in 2024 and possibly 2023

(Newser) - History could end up repeating itself if Republicans win back control of the Senate and President Biden has a Supreme Court vacancy to fill. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told radio host Hugh Hewitt Monday that if he becomes majority leader again, the Senate will block any Supreme Court pick...

Oldest Supreme Court Justice Under Pressure to Retire
Oldest Supreme Court Justice
Under Pressure to Retire
in case you missed it

Oldest Supreme Court Justice Under Pressure to Retire

Some want Stephen Breyer, 82, to clear way for younger liberal

(Newser) - President Biden could have a Supreme Court seat to fill come summer. There is "immense urgency" among progressive Democrats for liberal Justice Stephen Breyer, who was nominated to the court by President Clinton in 1994, to retire after the court wraps up its current term around the end of...

Looks Like Amy Coney Barrett's Story Just Got More Lucrative

Supreme Court justice reportedly gets $2M book deal

(Newser) - Local media in Indiana is abuzz after Amy Coney Barrett and her husband put their South Bend home up for sale so they can move to DC, but it appears that's not the only big news for the Supreme Court justice. Three sources tell Politico that the conservative justice,...

There Are 9 Supreme Court Justices. New Bill Would Make It 13

Observers note legislation set to be introduced by Dems is unlikely to pass anytime soon, however

(Newser) - Last week, President Biden signed an executive order to set up a commission dedicated to studying possible reforms to the Supreme Court, including an increase in the number of justices on the bench. Congressional Democrats, however, aren't waiting for the results of the panel's report due out in...

One Word Used 10 Times in Thomas Dissent Raises Eyebrows

Supreme Court justice regurgitated baseless voter-fraud claims in election case out of Pennsylvania

(Newser) - While it may not have been a complete surprise that Clarence Thomas dissented from his more liberal colleagues in a Supreme Court election case on Monday, what is causing some head whips is his apparently firm support for former President Trump's debunked claims of election fraud. The case the...

Judge Whose Son Was Gunned Down Makes Chilling Revelation
Judge Whose Son
Was Gunned Down
Makes Chilling
in case you missed it

Judge Whose Son Was Gunned Down Makes Chilling Revelation

Esther Salas says killer Roy Den Hollander also had his sights set on SCOTUS' Sonia Sotomayor

(Newser) - Last July, Daniel Anderl, the 20-year-old son of US District Court Judge Esther Salas, was murdered at their North Brunswick, NJ, home by Roy Den Hollander, a lawyer who'd posed as a FedEx deliveryman. Now, in a 60 Minutes episode set to air in full Sunday on CBS, Salas...

Samuel Alito Gave Quite a Speech
Samuel Alito
Gave Quite a Speech
the rundown

Samuel Alito Gave Quite a Speech

Supreme Court justice worries about religious freedoms, pandemic restrictions, gay marriage

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a 30-minute speech via video to conservative lawyers with the Federalist Society on Thursday, and his comments on issues ranging from religious freedom to gay marriage to COVID restrictions were getting lots of attention on Friday. The details:
  • COVID: Alito stressed that he didn'

Dems to Boycott Barrett Vote
Dems to Boycott Barrett Vote

Dems to Boycott Barrett Vote

Committee members slam 'sham process'

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee is due to vote Thursday on advancing the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court—but the panel's 10 Democrats will not be present. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Democrats on the committee said Wednesday that Democrats will boycott the hearing...

RBG Buried at Arlington
RBG Buried at Arlington

RBG Buried at Arlington

In private ceremony, she was laid to rest next to husband

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been buried in a private ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Ginsburg was laid to rest Tuesday beside her husband and near some of her former colleagues on the court, the AP reports. Washington last week honored the 87-year-old Ginsburg, who died Sept. 18,...

New Bill Limits SCOTUS Terms to 18 Years

Democrats plan to introduce it next week

(Newser) - Under a bill House Democrats are preparing, Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have had to retire in 2011—and William O. Douglas, the longest-serving justice in Supreme Court history, would have stepped down in 1957 instead of 1975. The bill, which Democrats plan to introduce next week, limits the terms of...

Justices Meet for First Time in 6 Months—to Mourn

Thousands of others will pay their respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg in DC

(Newser) - With crowds of admirers swelling outside, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was remembered Wednesday at the court by grieving family, colleagues, and friends as a prophet for justice who persevered against long odds to become an American icon. The court’s eight justices, masked along with everyone else because...

If GOP SCOTUS Plan Works, Democrats Should Act in Kind

Time for them to play 'constitutional hardball'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is now Ruthless—and Democrats should be the same way if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell manages to "get a midnight Trump nominee to the Supreme Court confirmed" and Democrats take both the White House and Senate, writes Scott Lemiuex at NBC News . Lemiuex, a political...

Trump Suggests RBG's Dying Wish Was a Hoax

He suspects 'shifty Schiff' was behind it

(Newser) - President Trump is questioning whether Ruth Bader Ginsburg made a dying wish about her successor. Trump told Fox & Friends Monday that he suspected the wish Ginsburg reportedly dictated to granddaughter Clara Spera had been cooked up by congressional Democrats, Politico reports. "I don't know that she said...

Capitol Will Give RBG a Rare Honor
Capitol Will Give 
RBG a Rare Honor

Capitol Will Give RBG a Rare Honor

She will be 2nd justice to lie in state there

(Newser) - The body of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in repose at the Supreme Court this week, with arrangements to allow for public viewing despite the coronavirus pandemic, the court said Monday. Ginsburg’s casket will be on public view Wednesday and Thursday under the portico at the top of...

Crowd Chants 'Fill That Seat,' and Trump Says He Will

The president spoke before thousands in Fayetteville, NC

(Newser) - Taking the stage Saturday night at a North Carolina rally to chants of “Fill that seat,” President Trump said he would nominate his selection to the Supreme Court despite Democrats' objections. “That’s what we're going to do. We're going to fill the seat,”...

RBG's Death Raises New Specter: a Lame-Duck Confirmation

And mourners grieve over loss of powerful Supreme Court judge

(Newser) - Hundreds of people sang "Amazing Grace" on Friday evening for a lost icon of justice—Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Supreme Court flag stood at half-mast in Washington, DC, as people tweeted photos and videos of the hushed scene, where mourners also sang "America the Beautiful" and John Lennon'...

Meet the Judge That Trump's Reportedly Been 'Saving'

Amy Coney Barrett is at the top of the short list

(Newser) - With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg , there's now an opening on the US Supreme Court, and with that a few possibilities to be President Trump's nominee, if he's indeed the one to make that nomination. USA Today reports on some names now being floated, including Allison...

Trump, Biden React to Death of Ginsburg

From president, a 'titan of the law'; from former VP, an 'American hero' and 'relentless voice'

(Newser) - A "titan of the law." That's how President Trump described late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Friday night after learning of her death from complications of pancreatic cancer at the age of 87. "Renowned for her brilliant mind and her powerful dissents ... Justice Ginsburg demonstrated...

Obama Has a Message for Republican Senators on RBG

Dems remind GOP of their remarks in 2016 on filling an empty SCOTUS seat during election year

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell vowed late Friday that a vote will be held on President Trump's nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, who died Friday at 87. But prominent Democrats, including Barack Obama, are pushing back, digging up the remarks of McConnell and other GOP senators from...

McConnell: Senate Will Vote on Trump's SCOTUS Nominee

Senate majority leader explains why in a Friday night statement

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell wasted no time in making clear that the nominee President Trump selects to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg "will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate." In a Friday night statement that acknowledged Ginsburg's "extraordinary American life,"...

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