press conference

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At NATO Presser, All Eyes Will Fall Once More on Biden
It's Do or Die Time for
Biden at NATO Presser

It's Do or Die Time for Biden at NATO Presser

President will again be under the microscope at Thursday night news conference

(Newser) - President Biden is currently on a "media blitz," including a rare solo press conference Thursday evening to cap off a three-day NATO summit. The New York Times calls it a "high-stakes moment," where Biden's "allies, doubters, and enemies will be watching for any evidence...

Naomi Osaka Press Conference Ends in Tears

Agent slams 'bully' reporter who asked question on media relations

(Newser) - Naomi Osaka faced one of her first press conferences since withdrawing from the French Open and Wimbledon on Monday and ended up walking away in tears. Ahead of a tournament in Cincinnati, Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Paul Daugherty virtually asked Osaka about her relationship with the media. "You're not...

The Biden Presser Was Awful, and It's the Reporters' Fault

Critics pile on White House press corps for repetitive and superficial questions

(Newser) - President Biden's first press conference on Thursday is getting bad reviews, though the blame is falling on the press corps rather than the president. Examples:
  • In the New Yorker , Susan B. Glasser writes that reporters generally asked the same questions over and over about the border and the filibuster,

Reporters Move Past COVID-19
Reporters Move Past COVID-19

Reporters Move Past COVID-19

Biden isn't asked about pandemic, though chief of staff says it still tops agenda

(Newser) - President Biden brought up the coronavirus pandemic as he began his news conference Thursday, saying he was doubling his vaccination goal for the first 100 days of his term. If he hadn't mentioned COVID-19, apparently no one would have; not one of the questions from reporters concerned the pandemic,...

Highlights From Biden's First Press Conference

'This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle,' he says of rules to change voting laws

(Newser) - President Biden conducted his first press conference since assuming office, one in which he doubled the nation's vaccination goal and said he expected to run for re-election in 2024. But Biden faced questions on a host of other issues, including immigration and the filibuster. Highlights:
  • Immigration: He disputed the

At First Press Conference, Biden Doubles Vaccination Goal

President wants 200M shots in first 100 days

(Newser) - President Biden opened his first formal news conference Thursday with a nod toward the improving picture on battling the coronavirus, doubling his original goal by pledging that the nation will administer 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines by the end of his first 100 days in office, per the AP...

Biden Will Finally Hold a Press Conference

March 25, 64 days into his presidency

(Newser) - President Biden has come under scrutiny for failing to hold a press conference since being elected, but now a date has been set. His first presser will be held March 25, his 64th day as POTUS, USA Today reports. That's the longest any president has waited going back at...

Elderly Hiker Missing for Days Shows Up at Press Conference
Press Conference
for Missing Hiker
Gets Surprise
in case you missed it

Press Conference for Missing Hiker Gets Surprise Attendee

80-year-old Harry Harvey shows up at news conference about himself

(Newser) - It's not quite as jarring as dead people showing up at their own funerals , but Harry Harvey's reappearance was a shock just the same. The BBC reports that Harvey, 80, went for a hike Saturday in the Yorkshire Dales in Yorkshire, England, but he got separated from his...

Networks Cut Away From Trump Press Conference

Hong Kong remarks turned into campaign-style event

(Newser) - President Trump signed a bill Tuesday targeting China over its harsh treatment of Hong Kong—but a press conference he called to discuss the measure quickly turned into something strongly resembling a campaign speech. The New York Times reports that after a few minutes of discussing the sanctions, Trump launched...

Trump: Pressers Not Worth the 'Time and Effort'

President skips Saturday's press briefing after complaint, amid concerns he's overexposed

(Newser) - Don't expect to see so much of President Trump at White House press conferences on the coronavirus, because the commander in chief sounds like he's sick of them amid reports that there might be a pullback on them anyway : "What is the purpose of having White House...

Report: Trump's Time at the Virus Podium May Get Slashed

Axios reports that president is considering cutting frequency, duration of coronavirus press briefings

(Newser) - A day after a virus press briefing in which President Trump set off a firestorm with his supposedly sarcastic disinfectant comments , buzz began that we soon may not see too many of these briefings. Axios reports that Trump is said to be mulling having the pressers decrease in both frequency...

Trump, CDC Seem to Have Different Takes on Coronavirus

President to hold presser Wednesday on disease CDC is warning about; Trump says media is overhyping

(Newser) - On Tuesday, CDC officials warned of the likely inevitable spread of COVID-19 (aka coronavirus) in the US, and that "disruptions to everyday life may be severe." On Wednesday, President Trump took issue with the gravity of the situation, saying that the country is in "great shape"—...

Trump, Familiar Foe Go At It in India
Trump, Familiar Foe
Go At It in India

Trump, Familiar Foe Go At It in India

President, CNN's Jim Acosta spar in front of the world during news conference

(Newser) - Different continent, familiar result. President Trump's news conference in India on Tuesday featured a one-on-one spat with Jim Acosta of CNN, reports Mediaite . The two have sparred before , and Acosta even once temporarily lost his White House press pass. On Tuesday, Acosta asked Trump if he would pledge that...

Why Did Ghosn Flee Japan? He Cites a Figure: 99.4%

Ex-Nissan boss gives his first press conference since escaping the country

(Newser) - In his first press conference given since his clandestine exit from Japan, Carlos Ghosn cleared one thing up on Wednesday: No, there's no Netflix show in the works about his dramatic exit. But Ghosn certainly brought the drama in the lengthy press conference given in Beirut, likening his November...

CNN Reporter's Pass Revoked After Clash With Trump

Jim Acosta's colleagues call move 'disturbing'

(Newser) - Hours after he clashed with President Trump during a testy press conference , CNN reporter Jim Acosta returned to the White House—and was denied entry by the Secret Service. Press secretary Sarah Sanders later confirmed that Acosta's press pass had been revoked and claimed that he had "placed...

Czech President Burns Undies, Calls Reporters 'Little Idiots'

'The time of underwear in politics is over,' Milos Zeman proclaimed

(Newser) - A fiery stunt by the Czech president has really stunned journalists this time. Milos Zeman announced a press conference for Thursday, but instead of briefing reporters, he had two firefighters in protective gear help him burn a huge pair of red underpants in front of them, the AP reports. Per...

Trump Has Abandoned the Press Conference

President has held just 1 while in office, often speaks with the press in less formal settings

(Newser) - The presidential news conference, a time-honored tradition going back generations, appears to be no longer. More than a year has passed since President Trump held the only solo news conference of his administration. Instead, the president engages the press in more informal settings: Trump often answers shouted questions at so-called...

PM Has Fondled Ears, Flung Fruit. Now, His Latest Stunt

Prayuth Chan-ocha said, 'Ask this guy,' then left cardboard cutout of himself to face reporters

(Newser) - Thailand's prime minister evaded journalists' questions on Monday by bringing out a life-size cardboard cutout of himself and telling the reporters to quiz it instead of him. Prayuth Chan-ocha then turned on his heel and walked off, reports the AP , leaving the mock-up behind to bemused looks and awkward...

Putin Lauds Trump's 'Significant Achievements' at Presser

Russian president also calls claims of his country's interference in US election 'nonsense'

(Newser) - He may not have said the term "fake news," or the Russian equivalent of it, but Vladimir Putin made it clear in his annual year-end press conference that he's labeling assertions of Russian meddling in the US election "nonsense," per ABC News . Putin railed against...

Venus Williams Goes Speechless When Asked About Fatal Crash

Reporter brought it up during Wimbledon press conference

(Newser) - Venus Williams broke down during a press conference Monday when she was asked about the fatal car crash she was involved in last month. ESPN has video of Williams' response during the press conference that followed her winning her opening match at Wimbledon. "There are really no words to...

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