It's One of the Strangest Baseball Plays in a While

Outfielder tags out runner at home in high school game, and it goes viral
By John Johnson,  Newser Staff
Posted May 27, 2024 8:10 AM CDT
Updated Jun 1, 2024 6:00 AM CDT
It's Probably a First on a Baseball Scorecard
A screen grab from the play.   (YouTube)

One of the buzziest sports plays out of the weekend came not from the pros but the high school level. As CBS Sports explains, it involved one of the most improbable plays you'll see in baseball—a center fielder tagging out a runner at home. Watch it here via the Athletic. It seems that Caden Grisez of Ohio's Fort Recovery blooped a hit into the outfield, and things got a little scrambly among the infielders for Marion Local.

Grisez kept chugging to base after base amid the confusion, and center fielder Griffin Burns decided to take care of things himself. He raced into the infield and just beat Grisez to home plate (the catcher had left attempting to cover third). For the record, Fort Recovery was up 11-3 late in the championship game and would win by that score. Grisez tells the Athletic his third-base coach told him to hold up, "but I just made a business decision." He says he would have obeyed had the game been closer. (More baseball stories.)

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