eating disorder

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This 'Silent Eating Disorder' Isn't About Weight, Body Image

People with ARFID, or avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, are anxious or afraid of food itself

(Newser) - Earlier this year, an 8-year-old girl from Los Angeles named Hannah went viral for the videos she posted online , showing her trying out different foods, documenting her reactions to them, and offering a ranking on a scale of 1 to 10. The clips aren't just frivolous forays into the...

Binge-Eating Disorder Dogs Sufferers Longer Than Thought

Study finds almost half of sufferers were still experiencing it 5 years later

(Newser) - While anorexia and bulimia are arguably more talked about, binge-eating disorder is actually the most common eating disorder in the US. And as researchers explain, it's apparently been a misunderstood one. A five-year study from researchers with McLean Hospital (part of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system) has found...

New Anorexia Debate: Let Patients Stop Treatment?

Katie Engelhart delves into palliative care's place in handling eating disorders for 'New York Times Magazine'

(Newser) - At what point does an extreme mental health disorder become untreatable? And must doctors continue to treat those patients, even against their will? Katie Engelhart examines these questions in an in-depth look at how some psychologists are turning to palliative care for anorexia patients who are done fighting their conditions,...

Ed Sheeran Reveals Eating Disorder
Ed Sheeran Reveals
Eating Disorder

Ed Sheeran Reveals Eating Disorder

Revelation makes him 'mad uncomfortable,' but he says 'so many [men] do the same thing and hide it'

(Newser) - Ed Sheeran has a thriving career, a wife, and two small children he adores, but he's in the music industry and tells Rolling Stone he's not immune to its dark side. "I have a real eating problem," he says, per Yahoo News . "I’m a...

You Know What Anorexia Is. But That's Just Half the Story

The 'NYT Magazine' explores the newer diagnosis of atypical anorexia

(Newser) - Read the words "anorexia nervosa" and you'll likely visualize an emaciated person. That view might change after reading Kate Siber's piece for the New York Times Magazine . It's a deep dive into "atypical anorexia," a little-discussed eating disorder that mirrors that of anorexia—extreme...

23 Years of Eating Only Potato-Chip Sandwiches Has Ended
23 Years of Eating
Only Potato-Chip
Has Ended
in case you missed it

23 Years of Eating Only Potato-Chip Sandwiches Has Ended

25-year-old British woman had a real aversion to other foods, tried hypnotherapy

(Newser) - After 23 years of eating the same, sort of strange, thing every day, a 25-year-old woman is a creature of habit no more thanks to hypnotherapy. In one of the more British stories in recent memory, Metro reports that Zoe Sadler somehow managed to subsist on "cheese and onion...

Valerie Bertinelli's Reaction to Troll is Priceless, Powerful

The Food Network star doesn't need strangers to comment on her weight

(Newser) - Aging in front of a camera can be hard on an actor. Images of, say, Eddie Van Halen’s bride or the very young star of One Day at a Time star remain perpetually adorable, while the actual three-dimensional human Valerie Bertinelli grew up, tried new roles, wrote a couple...

Big Bang Theory Star: I Eat 'So I Don't Have to Feel Anything'

Mayim Bialik talks about recovery, pressure to be thin

(Newser) - Mayim Bialik is speaking up for the first time about a lengthy battle with eating disorders amid a conversation about Hollywood's obsession with weight. "This is the first time I've ever talked about it, because people are like, 'Well, why are you so overweight?' Well, because...

Inside the World of Male Eating Disorders
The Teen Was Hospitalized
for Anorexia. He's Male

The Teen Was Hospitalized for Anorexia. He's Male

BuzzFeed takes us inside the world of male eating disorders

(Newser) - "You have about an hour to pack, and we want you at the hospital by dinner." It wasn't what the California teen expected to hear from the doctor, dietitian, and psychotherapist who were talking to him. Ditto their diagnosis: atypical anorexia. In a lengthy piece for BuzzFeed...

Taylor Swift Makes Big Reveal in New Documentary

In 'Miss Americana,' star says she had an eating disorder

(Newser) - One of the most highly anticipated films debuting at the Sundance Film Festival was Miss Americana, a Netflix documentary about Taylor Swift. The film premiered Thursday night, and one big headline emerged from it: Swift's revelation that she struggled with an eating disorder, triggered by comments about her appearance,...

Demi Lovato's Drug Addiction Was Worse Than Anyone Knew

And more revelations from new documentary

(Newser) - The depth of Demi Lovato's drug addiction becomes clear with the release of Simply Complicated , the second documentary about the singer. The first documentary about her, 2012's Stay Strong, focused on her recovery after she went to rehab at 18 (for self-harming and an eating disorder, along with...

He Hits the Gym 360 Days a Year and Can't Stop
He Hits the Gym 360 Days
a Year and Can't Stop

He Hits the Gym 360 Days a Year and Can't Stop

Luke O'Neil writes of his 'exercise bulimia' in 'Esquire'

(Newser) - You've heard of bulimia. But exercise bulimia? Thus the headline on Luke O'Neil's piece in Esquire : "Most People Will Never Understand My Eating Disorder." Think of it this way: A person with bulimia feels the need to purge by vomiting. For those with exercise bulimia,...

View Hosts Make Ill-Advised Eating Disorder Jokes

What's funnier, anorexia or bulimia?

(Newser) - Eating disorders: not really a laughing matter, unless, apparently, you're a View panelist. During Thursday's show, the co-hosts discussed Donald Trump's recent weight loss (he says he lost 15 pounds because running for president is just too exciting and he never wants to eat ) and the...

A Growing Food Concern: Obsession With 'Clean Eating'

Some want 'orthorexia' recognized as an eating disorder

(Newser) - It's called "orthorexia"—an obsession with healthy, "clean eating"—and as it gains traction in this age of Instagrammed food photos, some think it should be recognized as its own eating disorder. "It's really a real fixation," one nutritionist tells NBC News...

Your Picky Eater Might Be Depressed

 Your Picky 
 Eater Might Be 


Your Picky Eater Might Be Depressed

Moderate to severe fussy eaters show symptoms of anxiety, depression

(Newser) - Think your child’s picky eating is just a phase? There might be more going on than what isn't meeting his or her mouth. In a new Duke University study, scientists who analyzed 917 children aged 2 to 6, then interviewed parents about kids' eating habits and signs of...

Young Woman 'Eats Herself to Death' at Care Facility

Kirsty Derry had a rare disorder called Prader Willi Syndrome

(Newser) - A young Englishwoman has died from overeating and may not have been properly treated for her unusual eating disorder, Fox News reports. Kirsty Derry lived at an assisted living home that had alarms on the fridge and cupboards to stop her from gorging. But the alarms were taken away in...

'40-Some Pound' Anorexic Woman Tells Her Story

Rachael Farrokh's goal: to help others, save herself

(Newser) - Rachael Farrokh's 10-year struggle with anorexia has reached its breaking point—which is why the 37-year-old decided to tell her story to ABC News . "I want other anorexics to hear this," she says. "This is miserable. Everything hurts from my head down to my toes."...

France: Glorify Anorexia, Go to Jail

New law cracks down on 'thinspiration' websites

(Newser) - France is cracking down on websites that encourage young women to starve themselves. An amendment to a health bill passed yesterday punishes operators of pro-anorexia websites with up to a year in jail and an $11,000 fine, the Telegraph reports. The amendment calls for penalties for those who provoke...

5 Male Stars Who've Had Eating Disorders

Elton John got help from his good friend ... Princess Di

(Newser) - Not every Hollywood star who's struggled with an eating disorder has been female. Radar rounds up 11 male celebrities who've battled the problem. A sampling:
  • Dennis Quaid: After losing 40 pounds to play the dying Doc Holliday in Wyatt Earp, he started struggling with what he called "

Ke$ha in Rehab for Eating Disorder

Singer, 26, checks in for 30 days

(Newser) - Ke$ha has checked into a 30-day rehab clinic for an unspecified eating disorder, reports TMZ . The 26-year-old singer didn't divulge much in a statement: "I'm a crusader for being yourself and loving yourself, but I've found it hard to practice. I'll be unavailable for the...

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