George Floyd

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Minnesota&#39;s &#39;Highest-Profile Murder Case&#39; Begins
Murder Case' Begins
the rundown

Minnesota's 'Highest-Profile Murder Case' Begins

The trial of Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd opens Monday

(Newser) - Attention will once again turn to Minneapolis on Monday, where the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin begins in the May 2020 killing of George Floyd. Chauvin, 45, faces charges of second- and third-degree murder, and faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted of the former charge....

Derek Chauvin's Trial Now Has a Start Date

15 jurors have been selected

(Newser) - A jury has been seated for the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in George Floyd’s death, with opening statements set for Monday in a case that led to weeks of protests and a national soul-searching about racial justice. The final juror was chosen Tuesday, wrapping up...

Police Mishandled Protests in City After City: Reports

Departments were unprepared for such large demonstrations, review finds

(Newser) - Reviews of the police response to the protests that erupted in US cities last summer after the death of George Floyd are in, and they're scathing. In large and small cities, police were unprepared for the scope of the protests and consistently mishandled the challenge, the New York Times...

Major Step Nearly Complete in Derek Chauvin Trial

12 jurors seated, 2 alternates still needed

(Newser) - Just two more jurors were needed for the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd's death, as the judge prepared to rule Friday on two major motions—including whether to allow evidence from Floyd's earlier 2019 arrest. The 12 jurors seated through...

Derek Chauvin's Case Hits a Snag After $27M Settlement

2 of the jurors selected thus far are out

(Newser) - An early snag in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin: The judge in the case dismissed two of the nine jurors selected thus far over their knowledge of and reaction to the $27 million settlement with George Floyd's family the city announced Friday. ABC News reports...

After Friday Move, Chauvin's Lawyer Is 'Gravely Concerned'

He fears $27M settlement with George Floyd's family will prevent a fair trial for ex-cop

(Newser) - An attorney for a former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death said Monday that he's "gravely concerned" that the Friday announcement of a $27 million settlement for Floyd's family makes it impossible for his client to get a fair trial. Defense attorney Eric Nelson...

George Floyd's Family Settles With City for Record Sum

Minneapolis will pay $27M

(Newser) - The city of Minneapolis on Friday agreed to pay $27 million to settle a civil lawsuit from George Floyd's family over the Black man's death in police custody, even as jury selection continued in a former officer's murder trial . The Minneapolis City Council emerged from closed session...

Derek Chauvin Will Face Another Murder Charge

Judge approves 3rd-degree murder charge in George Floyd case; jury selection proceeds

(Newser) - A judge on Thursday granted prosecutors' request to add a third-degree murder charge against the former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd's death, per the AP . Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill reinstated the charge after the former officer, Derek Chauvin, failed to get appellate courts to block it....

Judge Pauses Jury Selection in Chauvin Case

Prosecutors want to reinstate 3rd-degree murder charge against ex-cop

(Newser) - The judge overseeing the trial of a former Minneapolis police officer accused in the death of George Floyd on Monday paused jury selection for at least a day while an appeal proceeds over the possible reinstatement of a third-degree murder charge . As hundreds of protesters gathered outside the courthouse to...

It's a Big Moment for the George Floyd Case

Jury selection begins in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin

(Newser) - The fate of a former Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee into George Floyd’s neck as the Black man said he couldn’t breathe will be decided by 12 Hennepin County residents picked after extensive grilling about their views on police and the justice system, per the AP...

Lawmaker Votes for Police Reform, Immediately Regrets It

GOP's Lance Gooden says he pressed the wrong button

(Newser) - Rep. Lance Gooden voted for a police reform bill Wednesday night that bans chokeholds and certain no-knock warrants, among other measures—and he wants his constituents in Texas to know that he sincerely regrets the error. Gooden, the only Republican who voted to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing...

City on Edge as Floyd Murder Trial Nears

'Extraordinary' security measures are being put in place

(Newser) - Barbed wire and concrete barriers surround the courthouse where the former Minneapolis police officer charged with killing George Floyd will soon go on trial, the AP reports, a sign of the deep uneasiness hanging over a city literally set ablaze almost a year ago in the anger over his death....

LAPD Investigates 'Valentine' Mocking George Floyd

It reportedly read 'You take my breath away'

(Newser) - The LAPD is investigating claims an offensive Valentine-like image of George Floyd has been circulated in the department. Per the Los Angeles Times , an internal investigation was launched after an officer reported that a photo of Floyd with the words “You take my breath away" was being passed around...

NBA Star Buys House for George Floyd's Family

Kyrie Irving, who hasn't played a game since Jan. 5, is active in social justice

(Newser) - Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving—the basketball player who may be out nearly $1 million after violating the NBA's mask policy—has reportedly helped the family of George Floyd in a big way. Speaking on "The Rematch" podcast about the Minnesota man whose death at the hands of...

Groups Work to Preserve Protest Art
Groups Work
to Preserve 
Protest Art

Groups Work to Preserve Protest Art

Activists want murals painted after George Floyd's death 'to live on'

(Newser) - Neither woman could bring themselves to watch the video of George Floyd's final moments, his neck pinned under a Minneapolis police officer’s knee. But as their city grieved, Leesa Kelly and Kenda Zellner-Smith found comfort in messages of anguish and hope that appeared on boarded-up windows as residents...

In Close-Knit World of Hanson Fans, Controversy Brews
Why Diehard 'Fansons'
Are Starting to Walk Away

Why Diehard 'Fansons' Are Starting to Walk Away

Vice reports on accusations of bigotry against the brotherly band Hanson

(Newser) - Those familiar with the music of Hanson might fall into three groups: People who remember "MMMBop" from the 1990s and figure the trio of brothers Zac, Isaac, and Taylor Hanson were a one-hit wonder. More casual fans might know they've stayed together as a group but mostly under...

Judge Rejects Officers' Demands in George Floyd Trial

They will be tried together and in Minneapolis, and it will be televised

(Newser) - A judge on Thursday rejected defense requests to move the trial of four former Minneapolis police officers charged in George Floyd's death, and he also ordered that all four will be tried together instead of separately, per the AP . Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill ruled in another order that...

Judge Dismisses One Charge Against Derek Chauvin

More serious charges in George Floyd case still stand

(Newser) - A Minnesota judge has dismissed a third-degree murder charge filed against the former Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee against George Floyd's neck, saying there was not enough probable cause for that count to proceed to trial. The more serious second-degree murder charge against Derek Chauvin remains. Hennepin...

Barrett: It's Obvious Racism Persists in Our Country

She says she wept with daughter after seeing George Floyd footage

(Newser) - Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett sidestepped questions on abortion and other issues during her Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday—but she was more forthcoming when Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin asked her if she had seen footage of the arrest of George Floyd. USA Today reports that Barrett's voice began...

Judge Allows Chauvin to Leave State for His Safety

Former officer charged in George Floyd's death can move while he awaits trial

(Newser) - The former Minneapolis police officer charged with killing George Floyd will be allowed to move out of Minnesota while he awaits trial. A judge gave "safety concerns" as the reason for the change in the terms of Derek Chauvin's release, the Star-Tribune reports. Chauvin was held in a...

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