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One in 10 Republicans Less Likely to Vote for Trump

New poll finds some dissatisfaction after former president's guilty verdicts

(Newser) - All eyes are on Republican voters after Donald Trump was found guilty this week of 34 felony charges related to his hush-money trial . According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll , the bloom is coming off the rose for some on the former president. In the survey of 2,500-plus adults nationwide...

Polls Hint at Worrisome News for Biden on Young Voters

President has lost big ground among Gen Z, millennials from 2020, per NPR survey

(Newser) - Young voters flocked to Team Biden in 2020 in droves, giving Joe Biden a 20-point lead over Donald Trump among the 18-to-29 set. That doesn't seem to be the case this time around, with a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showing the current president and former president in a statistical...

Peru's President Has an Approval Rating of 5%

Dina Boluarte has been mired in various corruption scandals

(Newser) - Peruvian President Dina Boluarte has faced multiple impeachment efforts as a result of the various scandals swirling around her, but politically speaking, she may have an even bigger problem: The vast majority of the nation isn't happy with how she's doing in office. According to a new poll...

Report: 42% of Americans See China as an Enemy

Only 16% have a favorable view of the country, according to Pew Research Center

(Newser) - Some 42% of Americans now label China as an enemy, up from 25% two years ago and reaching the highest level in five years, according to an annual Pew Research Center survey released Wednesday. Half of Americans think of China as a competitor, and only 6% consider the country a...

With RFK Jr. In the Mix, One of These Candidates Takes a Hit

New NBC News poll shows Donald Trump suffers from third-party bid more than President Biden

(Newser) - Various polls and pundits have been supporting the narrative that third-party presidential runs in the upcoming election, especially the one by independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., will prove more harmful to President Biden's reelection bid than former President Trump's. A new survey seems to be finding just...

Biden-Trump Poll 'Way Too Close to Call'

Analyst says national poll shows things are about as close as they can get

(Newser) - A new national poll reveals a presidential race that is "about as close as it can get," a polling analyst says. The Quinnipiac University poll shows President Biden edging Donald Trump 48% to 45% when the poll asked about just those two candidates. However, when the question expanded...

Poll: 67% of Voters Think Biden Is Too Old for a Second Term

But he still has a 4-point lead over Trump in latest Quinnipiac University poll

(Newser) - A large majority of voters think President Biden is too old to effectively serve another term, but they still prefer him to Donald Trump by a 4-point margin, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll . The poll put Biden, 81, ahead of the 77-year-old Trump 49% to 45% in a...

Poll: 86% of Americans Say Biden Is Too Old to Run

Smaller majority of 62% feel the same about Trump, per ABC/Ipsos survey

(Newser) - The age-old question of "how old is too old for a presidential candidate?" has taken on increasing urgency as we barrel toward November with two frontrunners who are getting up there in years. Now, according to a new poll, an "overwhelming majority" of Americans say that the incumbent,...

What's the 'Mood of the Nation'? Kinda Meh
What's the
'Mood of the
Kinda Meh

What's the 'Mood of the Nation'? Kinda Meh

Only 47% of Americans consider themselves 'very satisfied' with their lives, per latest Gallup poll

(Newser) - Last year, an even half of all Americans considered themselves "very satisfied" with their lives. This year, that figure has dropped, with just 47% falling into that category, per the latest Gallup survey —close to a record low, reports the Hill . It's only the third time since...

Only One Part of Polls Should Worry Democrats

Only One
Part of Polls
Should Worry

Only One Part of Polls Should Worry Democrats

It's how Americans view the economy, writes pollster Mileah Kromer

(Newser) - Like a lot of political observers, Mileah Kromer doesn't think Democrats should be too worried about what Kromer calls "horse race polls" showing Donald Trump ahead of President Biden a year out from the election. But Kromer, who's director of the Sarah T. Hughes Center for Politics...

Millionaires Feel Like They're Just Middle Class These Days

Only 8% of those with at least $1M consider themselves wealthy, per new survey

(Newser) - A million dollars just doesn't stretch the way it used to. So say all the millionaires who now place themselves squarely in the "middle class" category, according to a new poll from Ameriprise Financial. In the survey of more than 3,000 US adults, nearly 600 were found...

Biden May Need a Trump Conviction to Triumph
Biden May Need
a Trump
to Triumph
the rundown

Biden May Need a Trump Conviction to Triumph

A year out, the polls are not looking favorable for the president

(Newser) - Polls continue to deliver bad news to President Biden, most notably one from the New York Times showing predecessor Donald Trump ahead in five battleground states . A look at related coverage:
  • Risk for Trump: Yes, the takeaway numbers are bad for Biden, given that Trump is doing so well despite

Nearly 10% of Us Have No Close Friends

New Pew survey finds having such pals in our corner is crucial to living a satisfying life

(Newser) - Your partner, kids, and how much you've got in the bank are all key to living a satisfying life—but not as much as having friends you can rely on, according to a new survey. The April poll of 5,000-plus US adults released earlier this month from the...

Haley Catches DeSantis; RFK Jr. May Hurt Trump

Poll shows a statistical tie for second, suggests Kennedy's run costs Trump a narrow lead

(Newser) - The 2024 Republican race is a nail-biter—but only for second place. A new USA Today /Suffolk University poll shows that Nikki Haley has caught Ron DeSantis—the former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor is at 11%, while DeSantis is at 12%, within the margin of error. What's...

We Need to Go on a 'Poll-Free Political Diet'
We Need to Go on
a 'Poll-Free Political Diet'

We Need to Go on a 'Poll-Free Political Diet'

Writing for 'WaPo,' Jennifer Rubin lays out 5 reasons why we should ignore polls ahead of 2024

(Newser) - Jennifer Rubin has tried to stay away from "rickety" poll analyses as we inch closer to the 2024 election—a "poll-free political diet" she thinks we all should go on. Writing for the Washington Post , Rubin lays out a laundry list of reasons why, calling the polling field...

4 in 10 Californians Consider Getting Out

Most love their state, but many are contemplating a move

(Newser) - With the 2024 election looming, California has a "contradiction" at play ahead of next year's polls: People there love their state, but many are also mulling packing it up and leaving. That's per the Los Angeles Times , which reports on a new survey that details what's...

2 Polling Trends Bode Well for Trump

He's leaving the GOP field behind him, and he fares well in hypothetical rematch with Biden

(Newser) - Election Day is still 546 days away, meaning you can take the current polls with an extra-large grain of salt. Still, political stories are taking note of two clear trends of late, both of them positive for former President Trump. First, he's cementing his lead over Ron DeSantis and...

In Poll, 26% Couldn't Name a Famous Asian American

Another 18% gave wrong answers

(Newser) - More than a quarter of Americans drew a blank when asked to name a famous living Asian American, according to a study released by the Asian American Foundation . The nonprofit says it polled more than 5,000 Americans and the top answer was "Don't know," at 26%....

In 4 Months, Trump Has Flipped the Race

Former president leads DeSantis by 13 points in 'WSJ' poll; a reversal from April

(Newser) - Back in December, fresh off his easy reelection win, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis led Donald Trump by 14 points in a Wall Street Journal poll of likely Republican candidates for president. What a difference four months has made. Trump now leads DeSantis by 13 points in the newspaper's latest...

New Poll Assesses 4 Key Senate Races
New Poll
4 Key
Senate Races

New Poll Assesses 4 Key Senate Races

Democrats lead in 3, including Pennsylvania, and are deadlocked in Nevada, per 'NYT' data

(Newser) - The midterms are just eight days away, and new polls continue to roll out—including a major one from the New York Times and Siena College. It looks at four key Senate races and finds that Democrats hold slim leads in three, with the last one deadlocked.
  • Arizona: Democratic Sen.

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