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Jackass Star Bam Margera Reportedly on Ventilator

TMZ says he was hospitalized with pneumonia before testing positive for COVID-19

(Newser) - Bam Margera, who rose to fame on MTV's Jackass and Viva La Bam, is on a ventilator in the intensive care unit of a California hospital, battling pneumonia and COVID-19, TMZ reports. The 43-year-old only tested positive for COVID after he was admitted to a San Diego hospital this...

New Research: Some COVID Patients Are Like Turtles

Their unconscious brains behave in similar ways

(Newser) - In the sea of COVID-related studies to emerge over the last couple years comes a particularly unusual one that compares some COVID patients to painted turtles. As the New York Times reports, the study examines a "puzzling phenomenon" that's been observed among COVID patients who had to be...

Court: Life-Support Treatment Not in Archie's 'Best Interests'

UK Court of Appeal refuses to block hospital from turning off Archie Battersbee's ventilator

(Newser) - A British court on Monday refused to block a hospital from ending life-support treatment for a 12-year-old boy who has suffered catastrophic brain damage . The parents of Archie Battersbee have fought unsuccessfully in the courts to prevent the Royal London Hospital from turning off the boy's ventilator and stopping...

Man Whose Wife Fought to Keep Him on Ventilator Dies

Scott Quiner was transferred from Minnesota to Texas a week later

(Newser) - Update: A Minnesota man whose wife fought to keep him on a ventilator has died in the Texas hospital he was flown to during the legal dispute. A family attorney tells ABC that Scott Quiner, 55, died on Saturday, a week after he was transported to the Houston hospital. He...

COVID Patient Wakes on Day Family Was to Pull the Plug

Bettina Lerman, 69, has a long road of recovery ahead

(Newser) - Doctors were certain Bettina Lerman would not wake after more than a month on a ventilator battling COVID-19 at a hospital in Portland, Maine. So her family flew to Lerman's home in Florida, canceled her lease, got rid of many of her possessions, and began planning a funeral, reports...

COVID Battle Kills Unvaccinated Nurse, Unborn Baby

Family now wishes Alabama's Haley Richardson had been vaccinated

(Newser) - A widower in Alabama is urging pregnant women to get vaccinated against COVID-19 after losing his wife and unborn daughter to the virus. Haley Richardson, a 32-year-old labor and delivery nurse from Theodore, Ala., fell ill after testing positive for COVID-19 at the end of July when she was nearly...

Cardinal Known for Vaccine Misinfo on Ventilator With COVID

Raymond Burke, ex-archbishop of St. Louis, put on oxygen support just days after testing positive

(Newser) - A former archbishop of St. Louis who's publicly expressed wariness about the coronavirus vaccine has been placed on a ventilator, just days after he announced he had the virus. "I wish to inform you that I have recently tested positive for the COVID-19 virus," Cardinal Raymond Burke...

Trump Secured 45 Ventilators From Russia. All Were Trashed

Meanwhile, Russia collected 200 US ventilators, BuzzFeed reports

(Newser) - The Federal Emergency Management Agency received 45 Russian ventilators on April 1, shortly after President Trump asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for help dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. As BuzzFeed reports, "they were part of a lopsided aid deal between the countries that would ultimately see Russia delivering a...

New Country Takes the No. 2 Slot in Virus Cases

As 2 deadly fires in Russian hospitals kill 6

(Newser) - Russia might have a serious problem with ventilators on its hands, but this one doesn't involve shortages. A fire that broke out Tuesday at a hospital in St. Petersburg killed five coronavirus patients who were on ventilators, reports the AP . And that follows a fire in a Moscow hospital...

Nick Cordero's Wife: His Lungs Are 'Severely Damaged'

Amanda Kloots gives the world an update as her husband fights for his life

(Newser) - Looks like Nick Cordero isn't out of the woods yet. The Broadway actor, who apparently had a leg amputated after testing positive for COVID-19, is now said to have other lingering health effects. CNN reports that while he isn't bleeding internally, his wife Amanda Kloots says "we...

GM CEO: 20-Hour Days Sped Up Ventilator Process

First batch will be delivered by end of April

(Newser) - Late last month, President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to mandate that General Motors start cranking out ventilators in bulk to help in the fight against the coronavirus. Now GM and Ventec Life Systems, the medical tech firm it's working with, say they'll deliver their first batch...

Turn Over Execution Drugs for COVID-19 Fight, Experts Plead

Some of the same medicines are used when putting a patient on a ventilator

(Newser) - States that impose capital punishment by lethal injection have something needed to fight COVID-19. Some of the same pain relievers, sedatives, and paralytics administered in executions are used in hospitals to calm patients when putting them on a ventilator, Newsweek reports. In an open letter, medical professionals are asking state...

I Was Saved by a Ventilator. But My Body Suffered

David Lat battles breathlessness in the wake of his intubation

(Newser) - After coronavirus patient David Lat was admitted to a New York City hospital, his physician father gave him a warning: "You better not get put on a ventilator. People don’t come back from that." Indeed, the AP reports 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress...

Some Doctors Are Questioning the Use of Ventilators
Some Doctors Are
Questioning the Use
of Ventilators

Some Doctors Are Questioning the Use of Ventilators

But sometimes, there is no alternative

(Newser) - With hospitals around the country desperately short of ventilators as the COVID-19 crisis intensifies, some doctors are calling for a rethink of how they are used, arguing that a new disease might require a new approach. Skeptics, who note that studies show more than half of coronavirus patients placed on...

China Sends Big Gift to New York State

Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls it 'a big deal'

(Newser) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that China is facilitating the shipment of 1,000 ventilators to his state, as he continues to shop for more of the lifesaving devices ahead of a growing number of coronavirus patients who are expected to need them, the AP reports. The number...

New York to Seize Ventilators to Help Swamped Hospitals

Cuomo orders National Guard to move equipment to places with the greatest need

(Newser) - New York will begin sending the National Guard into hospitals and other places in the state to seize ventilators and take them where they're needed more. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the executive order Friday, the Hill reports. He said some hospitals don't have many COVID-19 cases and have...

Trump Invokes Act to Compel GM to Make Ventilators

Earlier, he lashed out at General Motors and Ford

(Newser) - President Trump lashed out at US automakers Friday and demanded they begin making ventilators to help hospitals cope with the pandemic. Hours after airing his complaints on social media, Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to require that General Motors make the machines, reports the Washington Post . The act gives...

New York Approves Controversial Ventilator Solution

Medical groups warn against practice of splitting one ventilator between 2 patients

(Newser) - As the US takes the No. 1 spot in coronavirus cases, the epicenter of the outbreak here has approved a controversial process in anticipation of ventilator shortages. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday his state's hospitals can now split one ventilator between two patients—a "not ideal...

Trump: 'I Don't Believe You Need 30K Ventilators'

He suggests NY gov is exaggerating need

(Newser) - As the coronavirus crisis escalates, hospitals are pleading for ventilators to save the lives of patients whose lungs are failing. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the state will need 30,000 of the machines when the pandemic peaks, but President Trump thinks the governor is probably exaggerating. Trump downplayed...

Dyson Designed a New Ventilator in Just 10 Days

Boris Johnson appealed to the British vacuum billionaire for help

(Newser) - The name is most familiar in terms of vacuum cleaners, but Dyson is now going to churn out ventilators, too, reports Forbes . British billionaire James Dyson says the company designed and built a prototype 10 days after receiving an SOS call from Prime Minister Boris Johnson in regard to the...

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