Josh Hawley

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Congress Considers Expanding Draft to Women

Proposal is unlikely to become law amid pushback from Republicans

(Newser) - Congressional lawmakers are considering a proposal to update mandatory conscription to include women for the first time. With fewer than 1% of US adults serving in active duty combat roles and the Pentagon facing recruitment challenges, military experts in 2020 recommended Congress include women in the draft "in the...

New Men's Groups Aim to Turn Masculinity on Its Head

They're gathering to do breathing exercises, talk, and be more vulnerable, per 'Washington Post'

(Newser) - Earlier this year, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy put up a red flag on the widespread loneliness afflicting the United States. Now, groups around the country are forming to allow connections to be forged that might help alleviate that mass feeling of isolation—groups specifically for men, in what Tara...

Actor Addresses Rumors on Being Gay in a Perfect Way

'LAT' column lauds Tyler James Williams of 'Abbott Elementary' on his handling of sexuality rumors

(Newser) - There's apparently been speculation among fans that Tyler James Williams, who plays Gregory Eddie on the ABC comedy Abbott Elementary, might be gay, and on Sunday he took to Instagram to address the rumors. But LZ Granderson doesn't care so much about Williams' sexual preferences as he does...

Hawley Says Feds Should Treat School Shooting as Hate Crime

Garland says motive for Nashville attack is still unknown

(Newser) - Sen. Josh Hawley is calling for federal agencies to investigate the Nashville school shooting as a hate crime against Christians. "It is commonplace to call such horrors ‘senseless violence,'" the Missouri Republican wrote in a letter Tuesday to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Homeland Security Secretary...

New DC Question: Is McConnell in Trouble?

Critics in Senate are grumbling about losing to Democrats, want leadership election delayed

(Newser) - Soon after news broke Saturday night that Democrats had clinched control of the Senate , conservative Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri delivered his succinct assessment: "The old party is dead," he tweeted , per Fox News . "Time to bury it. Build something new." The details of what that...

Hawley to Vote Against Letting Sweden, Finland Into NATO

GOP senator argues US should focus less on Europe, more on China

(Newser) - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said last week that the US "would be fortunate to have two new treaty allies as impressive and capable as Finland and Sweden." On Monday, one of his Republican colleagues said he won't support the two countries joining NATO, per the Hill...

Josh Hawley Is Taking a Drubbing After Video
Hawley Has Defiant Tweet
Amid Much Mockery
the rundown

Hawley Has Defiant Tweet Amid Much Mockery

Critics are ridiculing his actions on Jan. 6, with Kinzinger dubbing him 'Fistpump McRunpants'

(Newser) - Thursday's prime-time Jan. 6 hearing put its main focus on the actions of former President Trump . But the other politician getting a lot of attention on Friday is GOP Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri. The House panel investigating the Capitol riot showed a now-famous photo of Hawley raising his...

Jan. 6 Panel Draws Laughter With Footage of Hawley

Senator is shown running to safety after earlier making a famous fist toward protesters

(Newser) - On the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, GOP Sen. Josh Hawley famously made a fist—an apparent show of solidarity—toward protesters outside the Capitol. The gesture "riled up" the crowd, a Capitol Police officer told the Jan. 6 House panel, per NBC News . In fact, barriers outside the...

Senator Moves to Strip 'Woke' Disney of Copyrights

Josh Hawley wants to reduce protection term from 95 years to 56 years

(Newser) - Sen. Josh Hawley has taken the Republican attacks on Disney to a new level: The senator introduced a bill Tuesday that would undo decades of copyright law for large corporations, retroactively stripping Disney of its rights to many characters, the Hill reports. In a press release, Hawley made it clear...

Ted Cruz: Biden's Court Plan Is 'Offensive'
Ted Cruz Enters the Fray
Over Supreme Court Pick
the rundown

Ted Cruz Enters the Fray Over Supreme Court Pick

Senator calls Biden's plan to limit candidates to Black females 'offensive,' an 'insult'

(Newser) - The general consensus in DC is that President Biden will be able to get his nominee on the Supreme Court without the usual scorched-earth fight of recent confirmations. But even if that proves to be the case, some political fireworks are inevitable. The Hill , for example, expects Republican Sens. Ted...

Josh Hawley: Liberals Are Ruining Men
Josh Hawley
Starts Debate
on Manhood
the rundown

Josh Hawley Starts Debate on Manhood

Senator says liberals are turning young men into pathetic creatures hooked on porn, video games

(Newser) - Conservative Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri opened a fresh battle in the culture wars with a defense of masculinity, arguing that the left is turning young men into wimpy creatures addicted to porn and video games. That, in turn, triggered a backlash against the 41-year-old. Coverage:
  • The speech: Hawley addressed

Only One Senator Voted No on Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill

Hawley says bill to combat anti-Asian attacks is 'overbroad'

(Newser) - The Senate is usually split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, but in a rare moment of bipartisanship Thursday, it was split between Sen. Josh Hawley and everybody else. The Missouri Republican was the only senator who voted against a bill to combat the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans....

Senate Passes Bill on Anti-Asian Crimes, 94-1

Missouri's Josh Hawley is the lone nay vote

(Newser) - The Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation Thursday intended to counter violence against Asian Americans, which has increased during the pandemic. Majority Leader Charles Schumer said passage sends a message to Asian Americans that the government is listening and reassures them that "hate crimes will not be tolerated." The bill...

Josh Hawley Begins Fighting Back
Josh Hawley's 8th-Grade
Yearbook Had Telling Signature
the rundown

Josh Hawley's 8th-Grade Yearbook Had Telling Signature

'Josh Hawley, president 2024'

(Newser) - Josh Hawley has been roundly condemned by Democrats in the wake of the Capitol riot because of his prominent role in backing former President Trump's election challenge. On Monday, however, the Missouri senator fought back in two notable ways. He scored the cover of the right-leaning New York Post ...

Hawley and Cruz Face Ethics Complaint

Democrats ask whether the two senators worked with rally organizers before Capitol attack

(Newser) - Republican Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz face an ethics investigation over their roles in fighting the certification of President Biden's electoral victory and the Jan. 6 rally that turned into an attack on the US Capitol. "By proceeding with their objections to the electors after the violent...

GOP Senator Holds Up Confirmation of DHS Nominee

Hawley says Mayorkas wouldn't commit to spending $1.4B on border wall

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden’s hopes of quick confirmation of his nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security have been blocked by a Republican senator. Sen. Josh Hawley said Tuesday that he would block a procedural move to bypass full committee consideration of the nomination of Alejandro Mayorkas to lead...

Hawley Takes Another Hit
Hawley Takes Another Hit

Hawley Takes Another Hit

Hotel cancels fundraiser planned for Florida

(Newser) - After losing a book deal and political contributions, Sen. Josh Hawley has now had the rug pulled out from a fundraiser over his support for overturning the results of the presidential election. Loews Hotels said Saturday that it has canceled the event planned for next month at its Portofino Bay...

Josh Hawley Fumes After Losing His Book Deal

Senator is under scrutiny after Wednesday's violence at the Capitol

(Newser) - Sen. Josh Hawley is being blamed by many for encouraging the storming of the US Capitol by a violent mob Wednesday—and now he's lost his book deal as a result. "We did not come to this decision lightly," publisher Simon & Schuster said in a statement...

The Blame Game Has Started
Let the Blame Game Begin

Let the Blame Game Begin

Sens. Hawley, Cruz accused of spurring Wednesday's violence, along with Trump

(Newser) - Lots of people are laying blame for Wednesday's violence at the Capitol on President Trump. But the Kansas City Star editorial board points to another Republican: Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley. The 41-year-old senator elected in 2018 "deserves an impressive share of the blame for the blood that's...

Mistaken Tweet Spurs Online Tiff Between Walmart, Senator

Retailer says snarky post to Josh Hawley tweeted in error by social media team member

(Newser) - Everyone from Democrats to Mitch McConnell likely aren't happy with GOP Sen. Josh Hawley's announcement that he'll be challenging the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win in Congress on Jan. 6. Walmart, apparently inadvertently, added itself to that list. Politico notes that after Hawley announced his...

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