Hunter Biden

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Hunter Biden's 'Ultra-Private' Ex-Wife Finally Opens Up

Kathleen Buhle releases her memoir, 'If We Break,' on June 14

(Newser) - If the name Kathleen Buhle doesn't ring a bell, perhaps the 53-year-old's former name will: Kathleen Biden. The ex-wife of Hunter Biden is a couple weeks away from releasing If We Break, which Vanity Fair reported in January would mark the first time Buhle spoke publicly about the...

Carlson Asked Unexpected Person for Favor for His Son

'Washington Post' confirms emails from Fox host asking Hunter Biden for letter of recommendation to Georgetown

(Newser) - Late last year, reports began surfacing about an unconfirmed, eyebrow-raising email exchange between Hunter Biden and Fox host Tucker Carlson, who now regularly skewers the president's son on his program. The emails—originally leaked online by pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood after being found on a laptop said to have...

New Details Trickle Out on Hunter Biden Probe

Reports say wide-ranging investigation into president's son has been ramping up

(Newser) - The White House has slammed former President Trump's appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to serve up dirt on Hunter Biden, as have others , but a US federal investigation into President Biden's son appears to be forging ahead full steam. Numerous sources say the Justice Department probe into...

Trump Asks Putin for Dirt on Hunter Biden
White House Blasts
Trump's Request to Putin

White House Blasts Trump's Request to Putin

Former POTUS asked for dirt on Hunter Biden

(Newser) - Update: The White House on Wednesday expressed skepticism and disgust following Donald Trump's Tuesday interview regarding Hunter Biden. "What kind of American, let alone an ex-president, thinks that this is the right time to enter into a scheme with Vladimir Putin and brag about his connections to Vladimir...

Putin Sanctions 12 Americans, Including Hunter Biden

Hunter's father also is among those punished by Moscow

(Newser) - Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought it the unwanted distinction of being the most sanctioned nation in the world, notes Axios . On Tuesday, Moscow showed it can dole them out, too: It penalized President Biden and 11 others in his orbit. The list of 12 includes some names that...

Hunter Biden&#39;s Memoir a Tale of Addiction, Death, Love
In Hunter Biden's Memoir,
a Stirring Memory of Beau
the rundown

In Hunter Biden's Memoir, a Stirring Memory of Beau

'I love you, I love you, I love you'

(Newser) - Hunter Biden is out with a memoir, and if you're wondering whether the 51-year-old touches on President Trump, Ukraine, his crack addiction, and his relationship with his late brother's wife, the answer is yes. The book is due to be released next Tuesday, and the AP reports Biden...

New Statements by Outgoing Barr Won't Please Trump

Attorney general says no need for special counsels on election fraud or Hunter Biden

(Newser) - William Barr's last day as attorney general is Wednesday, and he's going out in a way that surely won't please President Trump. In a news conference Monday, Barr said he saw no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate claims of election fraud or the business...

Report Won't Help Relations Between Trump, Barr

AG resisted pressure to reveal Hunter Biden investigations before election: WSJ

(Newser) - This isn't likely to make President Trump any friendlier toward his attorney general: The Wall Street Journal reports William Barr knew about multiple investigations into Hunter Biden's finances since at least spring "and worked to avoid their public disclosure during the heated election campaign." Trump again...

Here's What Hunter Biden Probe Is Focusing On

His business dealings with China, sources say

(Newser) - The investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs centers around business deals with China, a source tells the AP . Specifically, officials are looking into whether the younger Biden and his associates violated any tax or money laundering laws, sources tell CNN . The probe was launched a year before Joe Biden,...

Hunter Biden Says He Is Facing Federal Investigation

US Attorney's office in Delaware is looking into his tax affairs

(Newser) - Hunter Biden, son of President-elect Joe Biden, confirmed Wednesday that his tax affairs are under federal investigation. "I learned yesterday for the first time that the US Attorney's Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs," he said in...

Tucker Carlson Offers Odd Development in Biden Narrative
UPS: We Found Tucker
Carlson's Missing Shipment

UPS: We Found Tucker Carlson's Missing Shipment

Fox host says documents damaging to Joe and Hunter disappeared while being shipped to him

(Newser) - Tucker Carlson has been pushing the narrative about alleged corruption involving Joe and Hunter Biden , and he delivered an unusual development on his show Wednesday night. Carlson told viewers that "damning" evidence about the Bidens disappeared in transit to him, reports Fox News . On Thursday afternoon came an update:...

Putin Speaks Out on Trump's Criticism of Biden Family

He rejects the US president's take on their business dealings

(Newser) - In comments Reuters calls "less friendly" toward President Trump and possibly attempting to "curry favor" with Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday pushed back against Trump's favored line of attack against his opponent. "Yes, in Ukraine he (Hunter Biden) had or maybe still has...

Trump Brings Notable Special Guest to Debate

He invites Hunter Biden's former business partner to final showdown

(Newser) - The second and final debate between President Trump and Joe Biden is underway, this time with one big rule change : A candidate's mic can be muted to ensure his rival can speak. In the first half hour, however, the tone has been civil relative to the first debate.
  • First

Giuliani Gives Alleged Hunter Biden Files to Cops

They turned device over to Delaware AG's office

(Newser) - The improbable journey of a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden continued this week when Rudy Giuliani on Monday attempted to turn a device over to police in Delaware, who handed it to state authorities, who gave it to federal authorities. "They’ve got a hard drive, or...

Writer Reportedly Wouldn't Allow Byline on Biden Story

Reports say NY Post staffers thought the piece was too 'flimsy'

(Newser) - The New York Times and New York Magazine are out with stories casting doubt on the credibility of a New York Post piece on Joe and Hunter Biden. The Post , meanwhile, is standing by its story and firing back at critics. The Times reports that skepticism about the story, which...

Trump Getting Very Specific Advice for Upcoming Debate

Advisers want him to let Joe Biden speak more

(Newser) - The final debate between President Trump and Joe Biden takes place Thursday night, and the president's team suggests viewers will see a different tone from him. The key part of the plan is for Trump to interrupt Joe Biden less often , reports Politico . "I do think that President...

Reports: Trump Knew Russian Assets Were Using Giuliani

US intelligence found Giuliani was the target of a Russian intelligence operation in Ukraine

(Newser) - US intelligence agencies warned the White House that Rudy Giuliani was the target of a Russian intelligence operation, and had contact with Russian assets, while in Ukraine last year, according to reports from the Washington Post and New York Times . Giuliani visited the country in December seeking information he thought...

Senate Panel to Subpoena Twitter CEO Over Biden Story
Widens Over
NY Post Story
on Bidens
the rundown

Controversy Widens Over NY Post Story on Bidens

Senate panel plans to subpoena Twitter CEO over restrictions on story

(Newser) - The controversy over a New York Post story about Joe and Hunter Biden is apparently not going to fade quickly. The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to vote next week to subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over the site's decision to restrict tweets and retweets about the story, reports the...

Biden Campaign Feuds With New York Post

Over candidate's involvement, or lack thereof, in son's business dealings with Ukraine

(Newser) - The New York Post on Wednesday alleged that Joe Biden was directly involved with son Hunter Biden's business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, and the presidential candidate was quick to hit back at the tabloid. The Post, citing emails it obtained (apparently from a computer repair store...

Watching the 2016 Debates Offers a Lesson for Biden
Watching the 2016 Debates
Offers a Lesson for Biden
the rundown

Watching the 2016 Debates Offers a Lesson for Biden

Don't underestimate the president's effective, unorthodox style, says a Politico analysis

(Newser) - So how important is Tuesday night's debate ? Oh, it's only "one of the more important moments in American political history," in the view of former Obama adviser David Plouffe. If Joe Biden "has a really strong debate, it doesn't mean the rest of...

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