Mitt Romney

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West Wing Writer Suggests Flipping Script in Biden Drama

Aaron Sorkin recommends Democrats look outside the party for a replacement nominee

(Newser) - Aaron Sorkin appears to recognize that The West Wing's President Bartlet wasn't real. But Martin Sheen's character dealt with a serious illness in the show's second season while considering whether to seek reelection, and the writer wonders how that storyline might have gone differently, and whether...

Mitt Romney: It Was a Mistake for Biden Not to Pardon Trump

Though perhaps not for the reason you might think

(Newser) - Mitt Romney thinks President Biden should have pardoned Donald Trump—but not because the Republican senator from Utah has any particular love for Trump. "[Biden] should have fought like crazy to keep this prosecution from going forward. It was a win-win for Donald Trump," Romney said in an...

'I Didn't Shoot My Dog': Romney Says He's No Noem

Republican heard about his pet story during his 2012 presidential campaign

(Newser) - To many, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's story about shooting her dog is reminiscent of Sen Mitt Romney's anecdote about once tying his dog to the roof of his car for a 12-hour trip. But not to Romney. "I didn't eat my dog. I didn't...

Romney Warns About Trump's 'Authoritarian' Interests

GOP senator calls former POTUS a 'human gumball machine'

(Newser) - Following former President Trump's assertion that, if elected again, he will only act like a "dictator" on "day one," Mitt Romney has a warning for the United States. "His behavior suggests that this is a person who will impose his will if he can on...

Romney: Nearly Anybody Would Be 'an Upgrade' Over Trump

Former GOP nominee says he finds Biden charming but disagrees with him

(Newser) - Sen. Mitt Romney has made clear the breadth of his anti-Donald Trump sentiment, saying he'd cheerfully vote for several Democrats and nearly every Republican over the former president. Well, "maybe not Vivek," Romney said of entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. But the others. "I'd be happy to support...

Romney: I Won't Run for Prez Unless Godzilla Intervenes

But he describes Trump as a 'failure of character'

(Newser) - Sen. Mitt Romney is no fan of former President Trump but he doesn't plan on challenging the GOP frontrunner for the presidential nomination, except under what would be truly unprecedented circumstances. "Perhaps if Godzilla comes in and removes all the other candidates and so forth," the 76-year-old...

Oprah: No, I Didn't Ask Romney to Run for White House With Me

She disputes claim in new book

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is disputing a new book's assertion that she once called Mitt Romney to suggest they run for the White House on the same ticket. Yes, the spokesperson says, Winfrey did indeed call the Utah Republican in the run-up to the 2020 election, but not to float a...

Trump Mocks Romney After Decision Not to Run Again

GOP nemesis 'did not serve with distinction,' Truth Social post says

(Newser) - Donald Trump celebrated the upcoming departure of Sen. Mitt Romney from Congress, calling the fellow GOP politician's retirement announcement "fantastic news for America, the great state of Utah, and for the Republican Party." Trump endorsed Romney's 2012 presidential candidacy and 2018 run for Senate, but the...

Romney Says He Won't Seek a 2nd Term

Senator says it's time for a new generation of leaders

(Newser) - One of Donald Trump's most outspoken Republican critics isn't going to seek re-election to the Senate, a move that could mark the end of his political career. Sen. Mitt Romney tells the Washington Post that he has decided not to seek a second term because he thinks it...

Romney Had It Out With George Santos at SOTU

Utah senator doesn't mince words about his opinion of freshman rep from NY at SOTU

(Newser) - You can count the junior senator from Utah as someone who won't be breaking bread with Rep. George Santos anytime soon. Sen. Mitt Romney had some words for the newly elected and unrelentingly controversial representative from New York at Tuesday night's State of the Union address, and they...

'Mitt Romney Republican' Is New GOP Insult

Candidates in the Trump camp are deploying it to criticize their opponents

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn't up for reelection this year. But Trump-aligned Republicans hostile toward the Utah senator have made his name a recurring theme in this year's primaries, using him as a foil and derisively branding their rivals “Mitt Romney Republicans," per the AP . Republicans have used...

Gabbard Demands Romney Drop 'Treasonous' Accusation

Former Hawaii lawmaker's lawyer sends letter demanding retraction

(Newser) - An attack by Sen. Mitt Romney on Tulsi Gabbard last month has drawn a response from her lawyer. "Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda," the Republican senator had tweeted . "Her treasonous lies may well cost lives." Romney didn't say which comments of Gabbard's...

2 Possible POTUS Contenders Team Up, With a Warning

Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney speak of need to protect democracy at private event in Virginia

(Newser) - American democracy is rare, fragile, and in need of protection, Mitt Romney told Republican donors on Monday, amid fresh speculation of yet another presidential run . Five people who attended the private fundraiser for GOP Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming—herself a subject of similar speculation —organized by Republican bigwigs...

In 2024, This Man Could Win in a Landslide
In 2024, This Man
Could Win in a Landslide

In 2024, This Man Could Win in a Landslide

Essayist makes the case for Mitt Romney, whose biggest challenge would be the primaries

(Newser) - Mitt Romney in 2024? In an essay in the Deseret News , journalist Robby Soave makes the case that Utah's junior senator should make one more run for the White House. The way things are going, Soave thinks pretty much any Republican would be the favorite against President Biden, "...

Trump Elaborates After Calling Putin 'Smart'

CPAC crowd cheers claim last administration would have prevented Ukraine invasion

(Newser) - Days after calling Russian President Vladimir Putin "smart" in his launching of an attack on Ukraine, former President Donald Trump expanded on his assessment, portraying that intelligence as at least partly relative. "The problem is not that Putin is smart—which of course, he's smart—but the...

Growing Consensus on Russia: Should've Listened to Mitt

A look back at Romney's 2012 remarks on Russia being 'without question, our No. 1 geopolitical foe'

(Newser) - As the world waits anxiously for his next move on Ukraine, Vladimir Putin continues to make demands over the crisis, exacerbated this week by his ordering of Russian troops into eastern Ukraine. Now, comments made about Russia a decade ago by Sen. Mitt Romney, then a presidential contender against incumbent...

GOP Censured 2 of Its Own, and a Backlash Is Growing
GOP Censured 2 of Its Own,
and a Backlash Is Growing
the rundown

GOP Censured 2 of Its Own, and a Backlash Is Growing

Lindsey Graham is among those accusing the RNC of looking backward instead of forward

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee's decision to censure two lawmakers from its own party is not sitting well with some big-name Republicans. Coverage in multiple outlets quotes GOP members of Congress who say the strike against Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger was misguided and could potentially hurt a party...

Romney Latest Senator to Test Positive

Utah senator, 74, says he's asymptomatic

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, 74, has tested positive for COVID-19, per CBS News . The former presidential candidate, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, says he doesn’t have any symptoms and will work from home and isolate himself until doctors say he’s unlikely to infect others, the New York ...

Mitt Romney, Kyrsten Sinema Team Up for Halloween

Their bit has a Ted Lasso theme, but critics aren't amused

(Newser) - In a day of high stakes in DC , a weird bit of political theater emerged, too. Republican Sen. Mitt Romney dressed up as the soccer-coach character Ted Lasso and paid a visit to Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, reports Deadline . Sinema was dressed as Lasso's boss on the Apple TV...

Fire Destroys Iconic NH Barn
Fire Destroys Iconic NH Barn 

Fire Destroys Iconic NH Barn

Cause of blaze at Scamman Farm in Stratham under investigation

(Newser) - A fire destroyed a barn at a New Hampshire farm that's been the backdrop for political events for Republican presidents and candidates through the years. The fire burned down a barn at the Scamman Farm in Stratham, reports the AP , a little after 10:30pm on Monday. Fire crews...

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