Nikki Haley 2024

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Judge Judy: Biden Is My Age, 'and I Need a Nap'

Sheindlin hits the campaign trail for Nikki Haley, says we've gotten 'burned' with Trump

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis' backing of Donald Trump isn't the only 2024 endorsement making headlines. Nikki Haley is generating some headlines ahead of Tuesday's New Hampshire primary by campaigning with none other than TV's Judge Judy. At a Sunday rally in Exeter, New Hampshire, Judy Sheindlin spoke enthusiastically about...

What Haley Had to Say on DeSantis' Exit

'May the best woman win'

(Newser) - Following Ron DeSantis' withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, Nikki Haley had a message for supporters: "May the best woman win." Haley told supporters who gathered at a New Hampshire restaurant for a campaign event Sunday afternoon the news of DeSantis' exit, the New York Times reports. "...

Haley: Trump's Birther Nonsense Shows I'm a Threat

Spreading of false claim that Haley is ineligible for presidency viewed as 'all too familiar'

(Newser) - No, it's not 2011. But yes, Donald Trump is again spreading a baseless "birther" conspiracy theory about one of his foes. At a Thursday town hall with the former UN ambassador, CNN's Jake Tapper highlighted the former president's sharing of an article from a conspiracy-peddling website...

Trump Yet to Pick a VP, but Friction Has Begun

Politico reports that MAGA is adamant that Nikki Haley not be the choice

(Newser) - There is, theoretically, a long way to go before the Republican nominee is cinched. But Donald Trump's formidable lead in the polls and his rout in Iowa already has stories in circulation about a potential running mate. At Politico , Jonathan Martin's focus is actually on who it might...

DeSantis Is Planning 'Hail Mary' Effort in SC

His campaign's best hope could be beating Nikki Haley in her own state

(Newser) - With little hope of following up his second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses with second place in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, Ron DeSantis is aiming to push Nikki Haley into third place in her home state. Sources tell the New York Times that after DeSantis lost to Trump by...

Trump, Haley Tied in Latest New Hampshire Poll

But other polls have her trailing former president

(Newser) - Donald Trump scored an emphatic win in the Iowa caucuses but it's going to be a lot tighter in New Hampshire's primary next week, according to a new poll. According to the American Research Group poll conducted from Jan. 12 to Jan. 15, Trump and Haley are tied...

Kamala Harris and The View Answer Haley on Racism

Whoopi Goldberg brings up lynchings, Kamala Harris suggests the future is the issue now

(Newser) - Whoopi Goldberg brought up lynching and Emmett Till on Wednesday in responding to Nikki Haley's claim that the US has "never been a racist country," made in an interview on Fox News the day before. "Black folks didn't climb up in the trees and lynch...

ABC Cancels Republican Debate
Now CNN Calls Off
Its Republican Debate

Now CNN Calls Off Its Republican Debate

Ron DeSantis was the only GOP candidate who agreed to participate

(Newser) - CNN has decided not to take Ron DeSantis up on his offer to debate an empty podium (or two) in New Hampshire. The network said Wednesday that it is calling off its Sunday night debate because no other Republican candidates have agreed to participate, NBC News reports. ABC canceled its...

Nikki Haley: I'll Debate Again Under One Condition

Trump or Biden have to be there, too

(Newser) - There won't be another debate featuring Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis alone. Haley, one of only three Republican candidates remaining in the 2024 race as of Tuesday , says she will participate in future debates only if they feature former President Trump, the GOP frontrunner who easily won Monday's...

Trump Won 98 of 99 Counties: A &#39;Wake-Up Call&#39; for Skeptics
Amid Trump Rout, 'Red Flag'
Emerges About November
the rundown

Amid Trump Rout, 'Red Flag' Emerges About November

30% in Iowa say he would not be fit to serve if convicted, potential trouble for him in general election

(Newser) - The 2024 Iowa caucuses are over, at least for Republicans, and pundits are offering their takeaways after former President Trump's rout of his opponents . A sampling:
  • All but one: Trump won 98 of 99 counties, quickly . The "astonishing sweep and speed" is a "massive wake-up call" to

DeSantis, Haley in Tight Race for Second Place
DeSantis Nabs
Second Place in Iowa

DeSantis Nabs Second Place in Iowa

But both he and Nikki Haley lost by a wide margin to Trump

(Newser) - Yes, former President Trump won easily . But in the much closer race for second place in the Iowa caucuses, things were too close to call well into Monday night. Ultimately, though, the AP called Ron DeSantis as the second-place winner with 21.2%, edging out Nikki Haley, who got 19....

Trump: It's Time for the Nation to 'Come Together'

Former president celebrates his rout in Iowa

(Newser) - Former President Trump says he feels "invigorated" by his resounding victory in the Iowa caucuses. Trump spoke to Fox News Digital soon after outlets called it in his favor on Monday night. "It really is an honor that, minutes after, they've announced I've won—against very...

DeSantis: Media Interfered in Iowa Caucuses

The race was called before some caucus-goers had even voted, and his campaign is furious

(Newser) - The Iowa caucuses began at 7pm local time. The AP and other major outlets called the race about 30 minutes later —so quickly that many caucuses participants had yet to cast their ballots, reports Politico . And given the ubiquity of smartphones and news alerts, it's likely that word...

Trump Cruises to Easy Win in Iowa Caucuses

Now the big question is who will finish in second

(Newser) - To absolutely nobody's surprise, Donald Trump has won Monday night's Iowa caucuses in the GOP primary. The AP called it quickly, roughly 30 minutes after the first results started coming in. About the only suspense in regard to Trump is whether he will wind up with 50% of...

First Votes in 2024 Primary Are Being Cast

Iowa caucuses are underway for Republicans, with Trump expected to romp

(Newser) - The 2024 primaries have officially begun. Iowa voters began caucusing Monday evening to state their preference for the GOP nominee. Anyone following the race can already predict the winner: Donald Trump is expected to romp, with the only Trump-related question being how big his margin of victory will be. The...

The 5 Storylines That Matter at the Iowa Caucuses
The 5 Storylines to
Watch at the Iowa Caucuses
the rundown

The 5 Storylines to Watch at the Iowa Caucuses

Will Trump hit 50%, for one

(Newser) - Today's the (extremely frigid) day: Iowa caucusgoers will come together at 8pm EST in some 1,500 locations across the state to debate their options and then cast their secret ballots. Aside from the much-discussed weather —the AP reports temps are expected to be the coldest ever recorded...

Final Iowa Poll: It's Going to Be a Blowout

Trump has nearly half the vote locked down ahead of Monday's caucuses

(Newser) - Add to Iowa's snowy, icy, frigid misery of late an apparent landslide during its caucuses on Monday: In the latest and last Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom poll, former President Trump is way out in front, with nearly half—48%—of caucusgoers saying they'll go his way. Well behind...

Iowa Race Nears Cold Conclusion
Iowa Race Nears
Cold Conclusion

Iowa Race Nears Cold Conclusion

DeSantis, Haley press on, while Trump cancels in-person events

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley pushed across ice-cold Iowa on Saturday to find voters open to an alternative to Donald Trump with just two days before the state's caucuses open the Republican primary calendar. Trump canceled his two in-person rallies Saturday due to a blizzard blanketing much of the...

Rand Paul Offers 'Anti-Endorsement' for One GOP Candidate

Kentucky senator has launched the 'Never Nikki' website to slam Haley

(Newser) - As we settle into the new year, Republicans are beginning to take sides on who they want to win the GOP primary, and who they'd be willing to cast a ballot for in November. It's not yet clear who Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul counts as his first choice,...

Blizzard to Wallop Iowa Days Before Caucuses

Haley cancels Friday campaign events but DeSantis, Ramaswamy plan to press on

(Newser) - Iowa holds its first-in-the-nation caucuses Monday, but campaigns and caucusgoers are facing some of the worst weather in the event's history. The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning for Friday and Saturday, saying "life-threatening winter weather" is on the way. A winter storm earlier this week...

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